2019 RAA West

I'm going to try and make it; October is a crucial month for my line of work but we'll see. As far as a practice run, I cannot in the next few weeks; wife had surgery and hasn't been given the green light to ride by the Doctor.
13 weeks to Leakey RAA and counting. GOC are we still ON!?

I would like to go do a practice run to Leakey before October. Anyone interested? I can trailer and meet there or ride from Houston.
Still on???? But of course my dear fellow. I wouldn't miss this event for all the tea in China or at the bottom of the sea..!!
1olbull - 2 motors - 2 peeps
Grumpy Old Codger...!!!
EasTexRIII + 1 (if the twins don’t prevent)
Wilson" - 2 motors - people
40mmrrsmith - 1 motor - 2 peeps
Mad Dog
