Steel, do you know yet what your travel day to Houston is going to be? Trying to get GOC to ride there behind you
I have no idea what my work schedule will be. I might be coming straight from a rig, or having to go right to a rig. Hopefully I'll have a set schedule by then.
Steel - 2 motors - 2 peeps
1olbull - 2 motors - 2 peeps
Grumpy Old Codger...!!!
EasTexRIII + 1 (if the twins don’t prevent)
Wilson" - 2 motors - people
40mmrrsmith - 1 motor - 2 peeps
Mad Dog

Me too.

25th wedding anniversary..!!

OOPS! Sorry - never mind :thumbsdown:
I really wanted to get in on a house, but I'll do whatever you guys decide......... If I'm able to go at all :(
My gran-twins will probably want to come into this world on the same date this event will take place so I don't feel right about giving any input on the details. I do hope to get to attend though
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If you guys want to change it go ahead. I have no problem with that. Just remember that those who have reservations would need to change them of cancel by Monday august 5, 2019. Otherwise you will loose all of your deposit.

Is there consensus to do that?

I think since GOC already booked flights & hotel AND Steve wants these dates, we should just work with them and stay on these dates