did get some threpy in this past weekend left for phoenix fri morn. got home sunday afternoon 1425 miles total averaged 38/_mpg nothing like the sond running down the road at a steady 4000rpms not one speeding ticket more than likely wont go to arizona bike week again bike rally downtown scottsdale?to ride anyplace decent stii 2 hours away on a 4 lane road makes no sense rather ride the mountains or deserted 2 lane road.as for October I dont know where or what I"ll be doing tomorrow let alone in Oct. going to be a busy year family reunion my uncles 50 wedding ann.in new york in aug.,brother wants help building a house this summer(I told him I can bend a nail just as good as him . thats why I went to arizona bike week wife said go been working to hard and I had time.anyone of you guys are welcome here anytime if I aint home 1olbull knows where the keys are make youreself at home just like last time