Actually surprised as I certainly didn't see it coming and was lost for words, just after the vid stopped I actually had a chuckle with the boys then wiped it off and smeared Steve in the face with the cream on the towel, we then had a good chuckle over a beer, a good arvo
glad you made it safely to Shreveport with your rear tyre, sounds like you and Cindy had a blast.
The i40 across the New Mexico and into Arazonia was amazing, yes I know the slab is boring and Sooooo straight but gave me more time to take in the breathtaking scenery, at one stage I could just see "John Wayne" (in one of his western movie so) galloping across the plains amongst the Messa's, salt brush and tumble weeds.
What really blew me away was the little villages still made out of mud brick and stones which littered the country side unchanged to what they were many years ago