2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount



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Due to circumstances beyond his control, we lost @HELBOY and wife :(


Updated List (3/22/15)

1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 5 peeps & 5 motors
Rktnmypkt - Antioch, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 2 motors (if Paul wants to come)
rainman & stb - TN - 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 - Forest City, Il - 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead - Lockport, IL. - 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2 peeps, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA - 2 souls, 1 bike (Tenative if Jihadist come out in spring)
Ski - Milwaukee Wi. - 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.
mully95 - Anderson, SC - 1 bike 1 person
Watcher - Madison, WI - 1 peep 1 trailer 1 bike sat and sun only: thumbsup:
Steel - Swamp in LA - 1 & 1, just booked my room.
\\\STRIPES/// and MB - Denton TX - 3 people 2 bikes, 1 trike
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet - Houston, TX - 2 peeps & 2 bikes (probably bring Titanic)
Tripps - Western, NY - 2 people, 2 bikes - maybe more . . .
Wildwilley - DSM, IA - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Oscar - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Lonzol - Van Buren, AR - 2 people & 2 bikes
Speedy - Wausau, Wi - 2 peep, 1 motor
RanDom - Chipmunk - Moreno Valley, CA - 1 peep, 1 moto (young lady with balls )
Forklift - Dallas TX 1 peep 1 motor
64 Herald & brother Kooler - Long Island & Virginia - 2 peeps & 2 bikes
Cycletherapy - Grand Rapids, MI - 8 motors & 8 Peeps!!!
Teraeric - Orlando, FL - 1 peep, 1 motor
vanguard138 - N. Michigan - 1 peep & 1 motor
R3T-Too - Ft Worth, TX - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Mike - Marion, Iowa - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocketeer - Powder Springs, Ga - 1peep & 1 motor
Navigator-Banner, WA- 1 peep & 1 motor

34 members and 68 Peeps So Far!
Guess call me a leftover from the RA
For those attending just the RAA 10 event the dates are April 26-May 3

For those that want to crash the RAT event and attend RAA 10 April 23-May 3
For April 23-25 you will have to find another hotel in Harrison, Ar

Make reservations at The Hub at Marble Falls, AR # (870) 743-4062 ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marble Falls, AR is just south of Harrison, AR. on hwy 7

Notable things:

(caves & canoeing post 10 & 11), (restaurants & liquor stores post #9), ( in Eureka Springs post # 13 )

The next post will be where you add your attendance info.
Guess call me a leftover from the RAT Raid. My 3rd RAT Raid, all on my 07 cranberry and black Classic tourer. My first R3 meet. Joe from Springfield MO area.
Well, the Rat Raid folks have mostly left and hit the road. Some of the RAA riders are out for a ride. I be hanging back at The Hub nursing my sore neck, but I'll be ready for tomorrow.

I am looking forward to meeting everybody and seeing them as they arrive. Be careful riding out there and ride safe.
See y'all soon!
Well, the Rat Raid folks have mostly left and hit the road. Some of the RAA riders are out for a ride. I be hanging back at The Hub nursing my sore neck, but I'll be ready for tomorrow.

I am looking forward to meeting everybody and seeing them as they arrive. Be careful riding out there and ride safe.
See y'all soon!

What happened to your neck?