2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

I will be there can't make it in till the 2nd but will be there
Updated List
1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 5 peeps & 5 motors - 5 Ts
Rktnmypkt - Antioch, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 2 motors (in case Paul wants to come)
Helboy - Moline, IL - 2 peeps & 1 motor
rainman & stb - TN - 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 - Forest City, Il - 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead - Lockport, IL. - 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2 peeps, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA - 2 souls, 1 bike (Tenative based on how busy work gets, Jihadist come out in spring you know)
Ski - Milwaukee Wi. - 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.
mully95 - Anderson, SC - 1 bike 1 person
Watcher - Madison, WI - 1 peep 1 trailer 1 bike sat and sun only: thumbsup:
Steel - Swamp in LA - 1 & 1, just booked my room.
\\\STRIPES/// and MB - Denton TX - 3 people 2 bikes, 1 trike
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet - Houston, TX - 2 peeps & 2 bikes, room booked at the Hub but will probably bring the Titanic
Tripps - Western, NY - 2 people, 2 bikes - maybe more . . .
Wildwilley - DSM, IA - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Oscar - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Lonzol - Van Buren, AR - 2 people & 2 bikes
Speedy - Wausau, Wi - 2 peep, 1 motor
RanDom_Chipmunk - Moreno Valley, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor (I'll come even if I have to sleep under my bike)

25 members and 45 Peeps So Far!
It of course would need to be tidied up a bit but it just seemed appropriate for your RAA X
priate for your RAA X[/QUOTE]
Just something I just whipped up after reading Noltons request for a T shirt design

Hey Hanso I bet you got that idea from all the Hot cross Easter Buns you made as a Baker :whitstling:
The Treasurer of our snowmobile club has a,shop that does all kinds of embroidery work. Her shop has some of the most up to date equipment. She uses quality Gildan t shirts and ships to individual addresses worldwide on group orders.

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