... have seen a massive amount of different wild life and road kill .. seems to be mainly Deer, Squirrel, Racoons and even saw dead Skunk ..... Haveing a ball
haven't taken the bike out of the trailer (too freaking cold) but made the jaunt from orlando to livonia mi (decided to do it first instead of after)... now it's a downhill drive to the hub...
All Loaded up and ready to roll the wind chill just broke freezing It will be a lot better in a few hours and a few hundred miles south. From the looks of the weather I would say Rain man is in the area already
Keep it up there we are having a beaut day in Brady Texas, man this place is beautiful and we have only only covered the western side of Texas only done a about 650 miles (about 1000 km) since leaving Houston but have seen a massive amount of different wild life and road kill while not as much seems to be mainly Deer, Squirrel, Racoons and even saw dead Skunk ..... Haveing a ball
We are about halfway after a little chat with With homeland security. I am bringing a set of Predators in case anyone is looking for a set. Be at the Hub tomorrow evening.
We are about halfway after a little chat with With homeland security. I am bringing a set of Predators in case anyone is looking for a set. Be at the Hub tomorrow evening.
Had a really good run yesterday from Leakey to Sherman via Denton to call in and meet Stripes and MB (more Beautifull people) unfortunately only had time to have coffee and short chat but will be able to see them again on Wednesday when they get to Marble Falls.
Weather was warming up enroute yesterday which of course bought out the bugs Morris coped a direct hit the glasses only minutes after leaving our lunch stop, Cindy and myself near wet ourselves when just as we had got back up cruising speed 80mph and suddenly Morris pulled over Real Quickly wondering what was wrong we stop as well, the picture really doesn't do it justice.... I mean like his right side lense (also a little on the left) lense and cheek was completely covered in brown crap and looked Soooo funny. You had to be there!!! Any way today looks like it is going to be a bit of a wet ride so the bikes will get a wash