2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Have just learned that since I cancelled your place others have made plans, Amigo.
So sorry - see you at The Hub!
Leaving here RIGHT NOW!!!!
Safe travels to you and your team!!! see you soon!!!
Not to be outdone by R3Tex, i will have my very own Aussie guest here at the house in the next 2 or 3 hours, he still on the road as of now:)

OK, I'll BITE!
Is this a trick or is it somebody we all know??

Waiting on my Bro-in-law who is running late!
Now hope to get outta Dodge by 4 PM :(
We're 3 motors on a trailer to Enid, OK (2000 miles), so we'll drive straight through.
OK, I'll BITE!
Is this a trick or is it somebody we all know??

Waiting on my Bro-in-law who is running late!
Now hope to get outta Dodge by 4 PM :(
We're 3 motors on a trailer to Enid, OK (2000 miles), so we'll drive straight through.
IDK, he just got here, enjoying a cold bottle,,,,,,,of water
Just got home from 3 (not 4) hours in the dentist chair; bless her, she has such nice hands.

Packing is done, just need to load Brahma in the morning and I will be off to first stop: Columbia, TN to vist my Uncle and Aunt en route to the Hub. I will swing by Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo to visit a friend and then be in Marble Falss by Sunday afternoon.
Look what showed up today ! It's a crappy selfie taken with my crappy phone :mad: Shirt turned out nice ! Great work Bull !

New shirt.jpg
Hanso, Ski, Nurse Ratchet and I will leave Leaky in the am and probably stop somewhere in southern Oklahoma tomorrow night. Plan on passing through Denton for coffee and a visit with Stripes and MB. Should be in Marble Falls Thursday evening. Friday will probably be a rest day as it is supposed to rain all day