2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Same old anti darkside rhetoric we've heard for years,
and we're still riding them and still happy phil.
Give it a rest won't you buddy.
Like the liberal spin drs. crap they sling at us,
we ain't buyin' it.
We know better.....

Did I criticize you or simply state an opinion, Skip?

I don't care what you or anyone else chooses to festoon your ride with. I ain't sellin' anything, so you can take whatever I type here, whenever I type it, with either a grain of salt or a dose of LSD. I suppose that you consider yourself or other advocates of Darksiding to be vending a different sort of crap, if your illogic is to hold, which, as most readers of some of your previously posted drivel know full well, it never does?

Intelligent people measure the polite opinions of others carefully and respond to them respectfully in kind... in all respects in a manner that you neither have the capacity or compunction to do. You and those that think like you know diddly squat in my book, blissful in your ignorance and I am not referring in the least to the type of tire you choose to use.
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If that's what you like or prefer it's all good with me, breeze.

Been there, done that on three bikes over 25K miles, including my R3. It's not for me.
Maybe I should have stated after dark...
Stir the pot!
I shouldn't have but I am weak. Causing those to show their true colors is not one of my most admirable predilections. But, I would pay good money to see Skip in the same room with you know who.
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Good to see ya steve nice photo Steve

try them on a rocket
hey Lupe didn't know your a short ass like me I wouldn't feel short standing next to you have to ask Hanso have I still have the short ass title or is Lupe a contender
Hanso says you are shorter!! Is that possible???