Hello, for the past couple years I haven't been riding as much due to a leaking front fork seal. I have been cranking her up regularly and/or riding up and down the local road on short trips. Now the FIRST time ever, I had trouble cranking her up, and when it did, it was a struggle to keep the motor running(motor would start to rev, but sputter back down). I tried cranking it and letting it idle, motor just fades from 1000 rpm down to stall. I thought I smelled bad gas, so since the tank was close to empty, I put a gallon of fresh fuel inside, but nothing changed. Motor will not idle and will die as soon as you try to move in 1st, it's completely un-rideable.
Maybe this is a strange coincidence, but I noticed that both my speedometer and my tachometer gauges are not going back down to zero after the initial sweep. I pulled the battery cables off for awhile, no change on the gauges. I looked in the gas tank, is it normal to see fuel spraying in there for 2 seconds when the pump primes up? Any ideas fellas what I can try, throw them at me before the stealerlship has to get involved. My girlfriend really wants back on the bike for a real ride, see pic. I wish!! Thanks in advance!