My dealer "parts guy" sent me to the "service writer" who didn't really want to help with the Update Kit so much as charge me 16 hrs or so plus parts. Thanks to help on the forum I was able to provide them with the part# and after shipping total was $227.00. There's spark plugs and wires in here! all kinds of stuff I swear the box looks like a bag of halloween candy! 4 pages of parts 30 pages of instructions, i'm so screwed. digging thru the box I can't find any actual gears? i'll keep looking the parts list says 2nd gear output. I thought the update kit was only tranny but apparently triumph updated many things. My dlr said Triumph had 5 kits last week, I don't know if that is how many before they run out or ya have to wait for them to put together another kit. Anyone know a good mech looking for side work?