2005 TR3 Roadster TORS no CAT

Triumph tune 20226 was made for replacing 20050 to stop the idle stall problem. The modified 20050 tunes do not have the stall problem.
Triumph tune 20226 was made for replacing 20050 to stop the idle stall problem. The modified 20050 tunes do not have the stall problem.

I did had a random stall problem when I first got the bike. Part of the problem was the tune and part was my "technique" when coming to a stop. The R3 doesn't have the same flywheel mass of a big V twin. Upping the idle in the tune and keeping the revs up before I put my feet down helped a lot.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this ... raise your idle rpm to 920. Not so much for idle stall, but for oil pressure at idle. Stock idle rpm has the oil pressure way to low.
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Triumph tune 20226 was made for replacing 20050 to stop the idle stall problem. The modified 20050 tunes do not have the stall problem.
20050 was the first generation base tune for the stock exhaust R3. Wayne MacDonald at Tuneboy modified the 20050 tune for Staintune and TOR exhausts and did some changes to get rid of the decel popping on the TORs version. 20226 has a higher idle (850) at higher temps than 20050 (750).
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OK Harley CVO's with a hot cam can keep up with the rocket Roadster. Do you believe in the tooth fairy too? Just for your general info the classification of a stage two involves changing out the cams.
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Well, I finally got around to loading the tune (Thanks Dougl). Huge improvement in popping on deceleration (probably 90% + reduction). I did notice that my oil light was coming on occasionally at idle. Through research I determined that the warm engine idle values (the 2 warmest) needed to be increased from 741, 740 to 850,850. I am looking forward to testing tomorrow.

Questions: does anyone know if I really need to do either or both of the following:
1) Reset Adaptation. There seems to be conflicting information on whether or not this matters. I have not done it yet. Any opinion?
2) 12 minute tune. I seems that whatever is done from 12 minutes of idling, can also be done while driving for a few miles. Thoughts?

Lastly, I changed the stock filter to a K&N (regular filter, not ram air), does anyone think I need to make any adjustments for this?
It's going to adapt over time anyway so if it runs well, leave it. The filter doesn't matter. Did you uncheck the O2 sensor box before loading it?
Did you uncheck the O2 sensor box before loading
I did uncheck it. I did not however change the speedo correction. After riding today (and checking my speedo against my GPS), I determined that I probably need to do the -6.5 correction to the speedo.
Thanks for the response.
I did uncheck it. I did not however change the speedo correction. After riding today (and checking my speedo against my GPS), I determined that I probably need to do the -6.5 correction to the speedo.
Thanks for the response.
That 20050 decel tune has the speedo correction, I believe -6 or -6.5%.
Yea, I found that out once I reconnected the tune map. I decided to change the correction to "0". Now the speedo is right on.