The sun was in my eyes, a gust of wind, power to weight ratio, my map sensor was unplugged...pick one please.
The fact is being consistent is tough at the drag strip especially on the older Rocket 3s. The last time Mr. Bill raced the Rocket 3 was at a motorcycle event on July 24th. Mr. Bill made a about 8 runs on his Rocket 3 and Moto Guzzi Sport.
Just wanted to remind Mr. Bill his best run of a 12.1 was his last one against a Harley. His first two runs on his Rocket 3 against me were 12.905 & 12.777 before he ran the 12.1.
Maybe this thing unplugged itself against me, plugged itself back in against the Harley and then unplugged itself again.
You don't have to go far to see MY screw ups at the drag strip..sleeping at the light, popping wheelies, hitting rev limiter, missing shifts, going sideways off the line, not putting enough fuel in, running tire pressure too low, launching with the rpm too high or too low, wrong gearing, or my favorite forgetting to turn traction control off.
In my opinion I think it is better to correct the mistakes and inconsistencies I make before adding a lot of horsepower is a better way to go.