Today I got a compression tester from Harbor Freight. Bad choice ... don't do it. It is going back for a refund. Nice kit but doesn't have a schraeder valve in the hose and maybe a bad gauge. Reads very low. Was able to use one of the adapters with Jerry's gauge that came with a classic car he bought several years ago. His does have a schraeder valve in the hose. Anyway the numbers came out as (1, 2, 3) 200/195/195 PSI. Neville says the HF gauge system I used is deficient and doesn't give the full proper reading. My altitude at 2,500 feet. Neville says he reckons my numbers are OK considering.
Here are the spark plugs (1, 2, 3). Cylinder 1 was the only one making enough heat to make the header pipes hot.