2-up Touring Comfort?


Standard Bore
Jul 24, 2011
Hi to all. I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to get some help.

I've had my eye on the Tourer for a couple of years. I already own a Scrambler (solo riding) and a BMW K1200LT which my wife loves (comfort).

I am considering trading the Scram for a 2012 Tourer and I would use it primarily for solo riding and for some 2-up riding on occasion. My questions are about pillion comfort on the Tourer. I know the Tourer is no 'LT (heated seats, intercom, radio and disk player controls, trunk backrest)), but please chime in with your experiences. One concern I have is the narrow pillion seat.

Other questions:
1. Pillion leg room (wife is 5'10" with a 32" inseam)?
2. Seat comfort? Triumph touring seat? I changed out the 'LT seat for a Russell Daylong which was a big improvement.
3. Backrest comfort?
4. Suspension?

Also, what is the maximum payload rating for the Tourer? I weigh in at a spry 280 lbs. and the wife is about 160 lbs. That's a total of 440 lbs. without ATGAT and luggage.

I have the stock seat and am usually searching for a more comfortable position after an hr or so, I cant really recommend the Touring seat because I havent tried it.

My wife is 5'2" and is very happy with the back rest and leg room. She says the ride is far superior to my previous ride. (H.D Road King)

The suspension is set up perfectly the way it is, I'm still riding it the way it came set up from the factory.
I'm sorry I dont know the max pay load.

Have you taken one for a test ride yet?
I don't have any experience with the other seats Triumph offers, but I did opt for the Corbin, and my wife and I are very happy with it...
I have a 2008 Tourer and ride it for about 3 hours before getting slightly uncomfortable. I have added the Triumph back rest and an Airhawk pad for her. She said the Airhawk made a great improvement in rear seat comfort. I have though I getting an aftermarket seat but have not been impressed with what I have tried, especially for the major inflated prices.
My wife hates the stock seat....looking to get a russel day long as soon as this riding season is over......my wife is 5ft7in and leg room is not an issue. Not sure of payload. but Ive seen pics of some R3T's that looked loaded and didnt appear to have issues. The rear shocks are adjustable preloads and I havent had to set it on the hardest setting yet....Although those can easily be changed out if need be. Good luck! :D

I have one of the most uncomfortable passenger seats you can have, a Corbin Young Guns saddle. However, it fits a Butty Buddy like a glove and the wife loves it along with the big Kuryakin floor boards. I get the cool look riding alone and the wife gets a big, wide, comfortable seat when she comes along (which isn't very often anymore).
I have the touring seat with the driver backrest. I was ok on the seat, but the passenger was not happy after more than a couple of hours on her seat. I kinda cheated and took it in to *****in Stichin and got the seat customized. They put in Gel and reshaped the seats...... now we are both in love.

Soon they will get the seat back again for some custon cover work to take it to the next level. I cant wait to see what it is going to look like. But as far as comfort it is already sweet!

If you can send it to them they do GREAT work. :eek:
I have the stock seat and am usually searching for a more comfortable position after an hr or so, I cant really recommend the Touring seat because I haven't tried it.

My wife is 5'2" and is very happy with the back rest and leg room. She says the ride is far superior to my previous ride. (H.D Road King)

The suspension is set up perfectly the way it is, I'm still riding it the way it came set up from the factory.
I'm sorry I dint know the max pay load.

Have you taken one for a test ride yet?

Two years ago I rode one at a Triumph Truck Demo event in Baltimore. It was a short ride (with a group) and I rode solo. I didn't get to open up the throttle except for short spurts. The bike handled well (at speed) and the throttle response was excellent. The shifting was a little clunky and I could feel the weight at low speeds but it was still easier to handle than the 'LT at low speeds. Rider comfort was good, but it was a short ride. I'd like to do another one with the wife if they would allow it.
Thanks for the responses gang. I'm still curious about the maximum payload though. It should be listed in the owners manual.

My wife is 5' 2" and is happy with leg room and back rest. She really likes the floorboards, first bike we've had with them.

I have no trouble with seat but she gets uncomfortable at about 150 miles. I don't have a rider backrest on mine.

Owners manual lists payload as 485 lbs.

Happy with stock suspension, with shocks on setting 3 for day trips, foe longer trips wth luggage turn thrm up to 4.