Thank you Idaho Red for posting your findings. Just like religion, I'll listen to just about anybody, especially when it's free, and add it to all the other stuff that runs around in my poor old head. I'll take experience over book learnin every time!
You got me to thinking about the flat spots I seemed to notice, here and there, after I opened up my secondary's 100%. Went out this morning, hooked up TuneEcu, loaded up the stock map, and tweaked the secondary's. Put 4th and 5th gears back to 100%, and readjusted the first 3 gears up from stock, but not 100%. Took her out for a spin, and no more flat spots! I know, I know, if I'd done this, or that, it would have worked at 100%, but like many have said, way over my head. Reminds me of that stupid little bracket that Chevy used to put on the back of their starters. A pain in the arse, and I usually tossed them. One guy told me that if Chevy thought they could get away without using that 5 cent part, to them, it's thousands of dollars at 5 cents per vehicle. I don't think Triumph put in our secondary's just for chits and giggles. Remember the old Carter "thermo quads" that had the adjustable spring loaded "choke" plate over the secondary's? It was there for a reason, and worked quite well at stopping a huge flat spot when you opened up those massive secondary's. Just sayin, that's all. I love the info on this site.