The same thing that is "wrong" with riding a Roadster.
Nothing "wrong" anywhere here.
A grand beauty of the Rocket is it's grand capacity that offers the potential for it to be many things to many people.
You have been a great contributor to that process
Touring works best (for *ME*) with plenty of torque down low and cruising between locations (can we say RAA East and RAA West?).
I already contend with the wind noise. A cruise at 2,200 vs 3,000 rpm is going to be less noise over many hours, as well as significantly fewer piston miles over time.
This is exactly what we do with piston-powered airplanes. RPM are up (typically max) along with fuel consumption for takeoff -- then backed off a bit for climb. At altitude, the RPM are dialed way back for reduced fuel consumption and engine wear.
My wife likes to ride with me and we use a Sena 20 intercom. She says we talk more on the bike than any other time.