Please do Steel.

As requested:

I still think best bang for the buck is a $1400 Carpenter exhaust, and $200 for Carpenter to reflash the ecu for 160+ HP and torque. No need for PCV or dyno time.
Seeing a copy of WildBill's dyno sheet (below) for his R3T convinced me to go that route, until I saved enough pennies to get the big hp kit.

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You must have dated my XGF. :D
When I suspected she was sneaking onto my laptop, I put a keylogger on it. Turns out she was trying to get into all of my email accounts, forums, and messenger. I also found out that she was into lesbian ****. :sneaky:
Hahaha funny sheeit mate , i did the same thing to my exwife as she was constantly trying to get into my laptop , i printed the whole session out and showed her and she wouldnt admit it , stopped after that
Yes, careful Nat. The National Grid dipped and the Nett was jammed when she just said hello!
Hahaha funny sheeit mate , i did the same thing to my exwife as she was constantly trying to get into my laptop , i printed the whole session out and showed her and she wouldnt admit it , stopped after that
Back in the mid to late 80s , when I was a young man and before the days when mobile phones were common , I was for some time a professional armwrestler . The national title in which I was runner up was televised over a period of weeks . Unbeknown to me , the tv company forwarded an entire sack of fan mail to my address , mostly consisting of letters from woman , but one letter from the relatively new WWF with an offer of a years scholarship to a WWF training centre in California to become a wrestler ! My then GF took delivery of the large parcel and burned the lot and left me none the wiser . It only came to light some months later when I received another letter from them asking why I hadn't responded and had the tv company forwarded the offer ? :(
Back in the mid to late 80s , when I was a young man and before the days when mobile phones were common , I was for some time a professional armwrestler . The national title in which I was runner up was televised over a period of weeks . Unbeknown to me , the tv company forwarded an entire sack of fan mail to my address , mostly consisting of letters from woman , but one letter from the relatively new WWF with an offer of a years scholarship to a WWF training centre in California to become a wrestler ! My then GF took delivery of the large parcel and burned the lot and left me none the wiser . It only came to light some months later when I received another letter from them asking why I hadn't responded and had the tv company forwarded the offer ? :(

Still love to see photos from the period - c'mon you must have some.
What happened to the ex GF then and your WWF career?
Still love to see photos from the period - c'mon you must have some.
What happened to the ex GF then and your WWF career?
Ex girlfriend went on to be f!@#ed to ugliness , the wwf offer stayed open but a traumatic home life spawned insecurities . I broke my arm whilst competing and the sponsors dropped me like a hot cake . My life then spiralled completely out of control for about 15 years ! I have very few photos of anything , altho I did have a video until videos went out of fashion . Now I have mainly memories but I will see what I can dig out ?