$1500 performance upgrade

Well it sounds like I need to actually hear a carpenter system in person before I decide on what to do next. I wonder who here has a carpenter system and lives in the North TX, Southern OK area.
175RWHP with just tors and a tune .... impressive.

This wasn't on Nev's Dyno, Nev did the basic work, then I sent the bike off to another workshop that fitted and tuned the bike for the NOS. Top end power was hard to work out as the rear car tyre still smoked up on the Dyno no matter how hard we strapped it down. This was way back in 2008, I'll try and find the Dyno graphs. But is was a fun bike to ride.
Well it sounds like I need to actually hear a carpenter system in person before I decide on what to do next. I wonder who here has a carpenter system and lives in the North TX, Southern OK area.
I think Carpenter has the fastest exhaust hands down. My only concerns are excess heat on my leg. Steel seems to like his and claims to have ridden in shorts. I love the look of the sidewinder system but am worried my leg will be right next to the pipe on my touring model. I like having my feet forward on the boards. My other concern is that how the stainless colors. It seems to turn a golden color once ridden. I'm not one who spends more time polishing than I do riding. But the alure is there because I know I can be cranking out 160hp with stock guts and room to grow.
But then again , Steels not human Norm !
I think he was born of Marvel ? Killer of Rockets , wrestler of alligators and flavoured with cinnamon ! Hot exhausts ? That man ain't got time for pain !
They got burnt by a girlfriend after the fact
They got a strange sixth sense don't they ?
They can even root out the "special " photos you were sure no one could ever find ! They don't tell you they found them tho , oh no ! It's not till you want to reminisce in a quiet moment and find they are gone ! Then an awkward confused silence ensues.
You must have dated my XGF.
When I suspected she was sneaking onto my laptop, I put a keylogger on it. Turns out she was trying to get into all of my email accounts, forums, and messenger. I also found out that she was into lesbian ****.