'14 R3R Transmission Failure

I used a crate that fit right over the head and cam cover put 1.5 inch polystyrene foam into in the bottom for the cam cover to sit on. Worked great buy a rug at the local big lots so my knees didn't hurt and tossed it when I was done.
after all the time I have perused on this forum, am still in awe when I see picture such as this one
hats off to the brave ones.
I use the same set up as Warp...i use 2 straps to suspend the engine from an engine crane then turn it over and lower it in to the box.
Ah and i did ha
I use the same set up as Warp...i use 2 straps to suspend the engine from an engine crane then turn it over and lower it in to the box.
Hmm never thought of trying to roll it over from the engine hoist. I did consider it but since I had a rather sturdy I bean in My basement I opted for the old fashion chain fall and trolley.

made it easier to move the bike frame out of the way

Below is the rug I bought with both motors one to loose parts one to gain parts specifically the trans input shaft which was .250" out of concentric with the axis of the shaft yes bent big time talk about a engine/transmission locking up at 80 mph. Sphincter factor 10 for sure. Wore a flat spot into the steel belt on the rear tire. Never before have I scanned to terrain for a place to bail out just in case.

anyway the rug was a good idea saved my knees and fit in the trash when I was done

All I did was set the crate on the engine that was on the rug and rolled over to the right exhaust side then again so the crate was down easy job for a scrawny feller as myself.
^^Wow ingenuity at its best, I may invest in an engine hoist... small one, to assist. I like the crate idea.

I’m not expecting to have to pull the engine anytime soon but in the event that I need to it’s nice to be prepared. I don’t plan on getting rid of my rockets anytime soon, repairs will always cost less than replacement. I just hope that nobody gets injured over this issue.
Very impressive maneuver. You had about a nanosecond to make that decision.
Fortunately I did not have to bail but the way the rear tore was fish tailing and locked up at that speed something told me to look fir a landing/crash zone softer then the asphault. Mind you this started at about 80 mph when everything grenaded. I was actually in the death zone snatching 5th gear when I heard something let loose. I got out of her and was trying to scrubb off as much speed as I could whilst I scanned as I was sure the polish parachute was going to deploy!!!!

Anyway neither one (God) or the other (Lucifer) did not want me that day so it took me about a month or so because I had to wait on a new blower cover mine waste in the blast zone. And I was up running again.

Glad u made it!! As my wife’s Irish grandmother use to say, god don’t want you and the devil is afraid of you!! Sometimes it’s nice not to be wanted!!
So here is a shot of the inside of blower cover. Although the lifter shaft survived I left it in her

I'm confused. If the wheel un-locked when you pulled in the clutch, the problem has to be in the engine or the clutch itself. The wheel is always connected to the trans gears, even with the clutch pulled in.

So far I've saved AT LEAST $6k in labour by fixing what i can myself - $300 for a 1.5 tonne hoist pays for itself in one lift.

Also, it's good to be able to move both frame and engine when removing/refitting.