'14 R3R Transmission Failure

Ive ridden both new wings auto and manual.... I had a Gl1800 before my rocket... and only sold it as it was a little top heavy for me. New wing auto box is great around town its just like a big scooter... but on the twisty roads it can sometimes throw you a curved ball by changing up or down mid corner which is very unnerving. I like to pick which gear im in going into a corner not to have the bike decide half way through the turn I need a different one! The new wings haven't had a good reception here in the UK as they are so much smaller than the old model.... so no good for touring as you cant get no where near as much stuff in/on them.. so if its a wing you want buy the previous model as they are holding their value... big discounts on the new ones over here as not popular with the older wing riders... As for my rocket?? Well I love it as well but in a different way...plus it doesn't take 4 hours just to change an air filter!!!!!

Yeahh you start covering stuff up with plastic and adding electronics and soon well be ridding self ridding bikes. Iv looked at the new Valk. I like the ABS and the valve covers. That said ill keep my 97. Wild ride-R3,,, grampa ride-Valkie.
They are discounting the new Wings since they arent selling well
Where in the $ell did you hear that? I am looking at the new 2019 touring model and like it very much. Not the automatic but the standard transmission. For a bike that has set the standard of touring bikes since 1975 i believe they did a fantastic job on the 2019 models. The bike would be ideal for long trips. Everything i have read on the 2019 goldwing says they nailed it. Most reviews are stating it is probable the best one offered to date. By far it is the best looking. May not be your cup of tea if you just spend your time riding bar to bar or around a track but some folks ride a bit farther than that.
Question for those of you that have pulled the engine for repairs, do you use a engine stand, if so what type?
It is obviously a mechanical problem with Rocket transmitions. I thought all the hype over Transmition breakdowns were due to throttle handling, ( hammering the hell out of the power train. ) Not so much. I've never spun the rear tire and I had detent spring failure. I just don't ride very ruff. This issue should go to the Dealer's. They have Triumph front office's ear. They sell the product.
may i say,
if it was a car related problem, there would be an almighty recall of the model.one day ,i hope i am wrong someone will be seriously injured because of the ignorance of triumph motorcycles.
as much as i loved the rocket, for the short time i owned it,life is more important.
i hope triumph see this.

Their is at least two guy on here that wrecked because of a trans lockup.
Question for those of you that have pulled the engine for repairs, do you use a engine stand, if so what type?
I used a crate that fit right over the head and cam cover put 1.5 inch polystyrene foam into in the bottom for the cam cover to sit on. Worked great buy a rug at the local big lots so my knees didn't hurt and tossed it when I was done.