10 years old

My '06 is 10 years old but wasn't sold to me new until '07. 9 years on the road now with 40K miles. I have been a multiple bike and sports car owner for quite some time.
16000....that's it? Crap, mines a 13 and the first year I put on just under 10000km.

Yes, previous owner did 11,000km since new. I did 5,000 since I bought it in July. Not bad considering it's not my commuter machine
Bought the Rocket X in Oct. 2015 brand new. We now have 22,500 miles. My daily commute is mostly open highway in between Henryetta and Tulsa Oklahoma. About 120 miles a day. Could not have picked a better bike. If I miss a day or to of riding due to the weather I start to get a little irritated at simple things that normally would not think twice about. When I ride the world just seems to be a better place. Do not believe that the bike will last ten years. If it makes it five years I will be a happy camper.
In the 90s I used to commute into downtown Houston via the HOV with a Sportster. About 120 miles per day total. Motor low end would start slapping @ 30,000 miles. Went through two of those. The dealer claimed I rode the bike too hard. Also commuted with a Valkyrie. Put 60,000 on that one. No appreciable wear or problem except tires and oil changes. My 2007 RIII came with 28,000 on the clock. Meticulous 1rst owner. The bike looked new. It's rolling about 32,000 right now. Feels good. Don't ride as much any more and don't have to push it as hard to get going. See no reason that if it is kept clean, ridden with care and fluids are changed if should not last another 10 yrs.
The only way I'm selling this one is if I can't ride it any more.

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