'08 Touring looking new again

My joy was short lived... Was about to go for a short trip up north to Malaysia to try out what a R3T could do but... I spotted a slight leak right under the bear claw and above the radiator. It seems to be coming from a thick hose connecting to the radiator. Tough luck but glad I saw it before and not during the ride... Back to the workshop yet again.
Whitewalls are nice. Had them on my Harley Heritage. Pain to keep that way or was until I found someplace that WD-40 works as a cleaner. Whitewalls became nice again.

I'll have to try that out. I just use soap-infused steel wool pads to wash them, doesn't take long at all if you have the wheels in the air and can spin them (I love my bike lift.)
My joy was short lived... Was about to go for a short trip up north to Malaysia to try out what a R3T could do but... I spotted a slight leak right under the bear claw and above the radiator. It seems to be coming from a thick hose connecting to the radiator. Tough luck but glad I saw it before and not during the ride... Back to the workshop yet again.
Mine did that, loosen the clamp, push the hose right up to the flange and then retighten the clamp...job done in two minutes
My joy was short lived... Was about to go for a short trip up north to Malaysia to try out what a R3T could do but... I spotted a slight leak right under the bear claw and above the radiator. It seems to be coming from a thick hose connecting to the radiator. Tough luck but glad I saw it before and not during the ride... Back to the workshop yet again.
@laraza beat me too it, just tighten that clamp and all should be well. Mine did that this last winter and is an easy fix.
... Has been in the workshop for two days now and they still hasn't resolve it. Hope I can collect my bike tmr.
Whitewalls are nice. Had them on my Harley Heritage. Pain to keep that way or was until I found someplace that WD-40 works as a cleaner. Whitewalls became nice again.

Whitewalls = Bleche-Whit

Black Magic Bleche-Wite Tire Cleaner, 32 oz - Walmart.com