1. Tune question

    Good day. I have a 2005 rocket. I am thinking about getting the ramair filter. I will be getting the Jardine/supertrapp slashcut exhaust onto my bike in a few months. From what I have heard they are still going to make the exhaust as there are 25 orders outstanding.(just waiting and waiting...
  2. R3Tex

    Tuner in the Houston Area

    Anybody used a tuner in the Houston area? I've talked to a few, but none that inspired any confidence so far. If you've had a good experience please let me know
  3. Flying Finn R3

    TunECU 2.5.5 backup does not succeed……..

    Hi, I need good advice for R3 06/2004 California model? I tried to make a backup copy, but does not want to read map from ECU, says “UNKNOWN Map type” TunECU Would otherwise works fine. I had cable connected to the TPS incorrectly and I fixed switching and I Erase Error Code and...
  4. Great Tuner At Bike Week?

    I have a PC5 on my 2011 R3T and I need a tune but I can't find an outstanding tuner in mid-Florida. Are you aware of one who will be tuning bikes at Daytona Bike Week?
  5. Bob T

    TuneECU - brain dead

    OK - I got my cable for TuneECU last week and I couldn't get it to talk to the ECU. So I checked cables connection, turned the ignition on and off more times than I care to mention. Erased USB drivers and re-installed from scratched. Tried running in compatibility mode. I tried everything, and...
  6. Openeoad

    Dyno tune SOLVED MPG problem

    Thanks all for the helpful information, I got a dynotune and it solved my mileage issue it was a lean mixture, I was concerned that putting in more fuel would hurt the mileage worst but that wasn't the case. So dumping in more fuel helped it to run more effectively and efficiently like the BEAST...
  7. Boudreaux

    Bike Dyno tuned today. Not what I was expecting.

    Im guessing the air is alot different from south Louisiana and Austrailia. Reband says this pipe puts out 169hp. Im way off with that. It sure looks to be a real good tune. You can see on the A/F that it starts to lean just under 6000 rpm's. The tuner said he was giving all the gas he could...
  8. Realistic PC5 Tune Goals Fot R3T?

    I will have my 2011 Touring tuned soon on a Dynojet. It has a PC5, Jardine headers/exhaust, and underseat K&N a/c. The a/c will not be changed. What are reasonable torque (at 2000 rpm) and HP goals to expect a "good" tuner to achieve? Unfortunately, it's impossible to get the bike to Wayne...
  9. Idaho Red Rocket 3

    Tune 20050 Options ??

    I have 2 questions about tune 20050 TuneEcu version. 1) Can I load tune 20050 into a 2008 Touring and expect good results similar to my two 2006 Rockets ? 2) Is there a better tune than tune 20050 for a 2006 Rocket ? Bill.
  10. BillB

    Power-Tripp de-restricting tune on my 2013R3T

    Wayne, thanks so much for posting your tune for stock R3T's and I really appreciate your personal time to directly answer my dumb arse questions. I loaded this tune in to my new toy with no issues. Being a new convert to the Rocket world, I thought it was pretty **** strong to begin with...
  11. Paul Jacobs

    Tune for Roadster with ramair filter, standard pipes with cats removed from pipes.

    I have recently taken the cats out of my standard Roadster exhaust. I have the new ram air filter installed. Everything else is bulk standard. I am currently running the below tune with the map 20352-2 the guide info reads as follows. My question. Is there a better canned tune for this...
  12. ponters

    Urgent need for a tuneboy cable

    Gday fellas, bikes is finished and after 6 months in the shop we've developed a bug we cant find. I urgently need a tuneboy cable so we can diagnose what the phuck is causing it to run so rich. Does anyone in Melbourne have a cable I can borrow or does anyone know where I can pick one up...
  13. Tripps

    Questions: Tuneboy, TuneECU, PC5, and Carpenter

    Looking for some input from those familiar with tuning. I had the bike done at Carpenter, I waited a couple weeks, then called Bob with some questions I had thought of. I'm getting the feeling that Bob knows a hell of a lot about motors, but is not real comfortable with the computer end of it. I...
  14. tune question

    hello guys, I have another posted but need help. I have a 2008 rocket 3 classic and just did some upgrades and use tune ecu. the bike with factory stuff was faster off line pulled wheelies 1st threw 3rd gear if I horsed on it, it did 90 MPH in 1st gear before a shift and on highway speed it was...
  15. Tune ECU #20258 - WOW (or not?)

    At tomhamburg.net in the custom tune section for R3T's is tune #20258. The descriptive info. states that a dyno of that map on a R3T with TORS,"subsidiaries removed", K&N Triple Filters, "no Lambda sonde", and Gipro, resulted in 237 nm (175 ft. lbs.) of torque at 2332 rpm and 147.7 bhp at 5756...
  16. TUNE ECU - Which Fuse?

    After several hours of fiddling with it, most of which was spent on the drivers, I finally have tune ecu up and running. To shut off the headlight to save battery charge I pulled fuse #9 on my 2011 R3T (upper and lower headlight beams) and proceeded to save my stock tune before starting to...

    Great riding tune

  18. flyreels

    Dynojet Power Commander V and Auto Tune

    Hi where is the best (cheapest place) place to buy a Dynojet Power Commander V and Auto Tune for the R3R. Cheers Peter
  19. Tom-Hamburg

    Update Sep-20-2013, Tuneecu V. 2.5.4 Now Released

    Update Sep-20-2013, TuneECU v. 2.5.4 now Released * Support for the new maps from the T-Software Vers 2013-05. BR, Tom
  20. Ecu Tune

    hello, I have a 2008 rocket 3 classic and just now doing things to it. I bought a used cat bypass off a damaged rocket that I will be installing. I was going to have a local muffler shop make a bypass but found this one at a great price!!! I also was going to take my baffles out of my stock...