1. Wrecka

    13 R3R tune

    Finally got my Lonelec cable today , will be syncing the intakes and installing the Ramair as well , hoping someone has a tune for a R3R standard exhaust with Ramair , i'll have to study on how to use tune ecu and turn those pesky secondaries off
  2. pagmanic

    tune 20355

    have managed to load this map into tunecu and thought i would have a play opening up the secondaries in the lower gears, what i dont understand is why in 4th and 5th above 4800rpm the secondaries are restricted ? seems strange to my confused brain. While we're on the subject is this the best...
  3. flyreels

    For Sale PCV and Auto Tune

    PCV and Auto tune and a Cable one of the better quality ones to load the tunes up to your bike, Brand new never even been out of the box. $500 posted registered anywhere in AUS
  4. Claviger

    Wind, Warranty vs TuneECU, Cleaning Flat black paint

    Ok so 1 week on owning my rocket and I have a few things I would like to tweak. 1: Looking for the smallest screen available that will take the edge off wind in the face above 80mph. The summer screen is WAY to big for my taste. Suggestions? Thinking the MRA screen, opinions? 2: As for...
  5. dave64

    Tune ECU help

    I need help from the guru's , Hanso sent a revised tune and when i was downloading it into the bike it got to about 40% and then timed out . Now the bike wont do pre start noise etc , and now i am having trouble re connecting to ecu sometimes it connects and tries to do recovery but even that...
  6. Oldwarrior

    Why is the touring class detuned?

    I have read and been told how the touring model has been detuned... all I heard is there is less power in the first 3 gears... I just ordered the cable to tune it and would like some insight and whats going on. 08 touring.
  7. Loanstar

    Do not buy this cable for Tuneecu

    I followed the link on the Tune Ecu How To thread and ordered this cable... Link Removed It learned that (after ordering it and trying it) it does not have an FTDI chipset and does not connect to the program/bike. I thought I'd post this as a new thread so others see it and do a little more...
  8. Tune for 2014 Roadster with Full CES exhaust and RamAir

    Can anyone suggest and/or guide me with the best ECU tune for CES Full system and RamAir Kit mods? I do have TORS and Triumphed tuned ECU for the TORS. The TORS will soon be replaced with the CES headers and pipe. Thanks for any guidance provided ... Pat
  9. Rocket Ronnie

    I am stupid - help! Clutch/12 minute tune

    Hi guys. Before someone tells me I am a stupid idiot who should be prevented from ever touching anything mechanical, I will acknowledge I am. I have screwed my r3 bike/ trike up and need some advice please in figuring out what I have done. Because it's a trike it's a bit of a challenge getting...
  10. Scuba Craig

    TuneECU cable arrived

    Postman Pat (yes his name really is Pat) delivered my new cable today. Plugged it in to the bike and the laptop, fired up TuneECU and everything worked first go. I like it when computer projects go smoothly. Now the fun begins ...
  11. Scuba Craig

    12 Minute Tune

    Gotta love a 12 minute tune on a cold day. Took 10 minutes for the fan to kick in. :(
  12. MountainMan

    Bad Dyno Tune - Timing Question

    Ol' Blue is an '08 R3T to which I've added jards, K&N's, and Hagons. The dyno tuner I used (and wouldn't use again - not even to wash the bike) kinda screwed things up. He went for horsepower and torque and I believe completely ignored any aspect of timing. After about 4K miles, I finally...
  13. greenbaybob

    Stock '05 tunes

    Can anyone recommend a tune for my '05 I want to leave it stock otherwise. Just want to open it up and keep it smooth.
  14. ECU TUNES in GTA / Ontario

    Hey all; Is there anyone in the GTA or surrounding area that would be willing to meet up and assist me installing a tune from Hanso. I was also hoping the person willing to assist had the wire :) Case a beer for the person willing to help me out! -------------------------------------- Posted...
  15. kblahetka

    comparing tunes

    I have a 05 r3 with the tripple filters under the bear claw and predators. I was running a jardine tune on my bike and then tried a pred tune. The jardine tune specifies the filters by name in the file name and the pred tune says PredK&N3. Not sure if that means triple filters or its the 3rd...
  16. crashpete


    Is there a good place to purchase the staintune crossover for a Roadster in America?
  17. hogweed

    tune ecu opening secondries

    If i open the secondries to 100% with tune ecu is this safe or does the fueling need to be adjusted as well ? cheers
  18. ricochet

    Disappointing visit at dealership regarding my tune

    I had to take my bike out to the dealership this morning for a little bit of service and while I was there I asked the service guy helping me if he could check to see if there is an unrestricted tune for my '12 Roadster. He said he'd check but wasn't sure. Now for the weird part. He said there...
  19. cr0ft

    TuneECU for Android

    Interesting bit of news over at TuneECU.com - apparently it's coming out for Android. Should be interesting to see about hooking it up to my Nexus 7 tablet. Wonder how that will work? Off the cuff guess, you need an OTG USB cable, but maybe I'm wrong.
  20. Camptc

    2010 Stock Triumph tune

    All, I've ordered a TuneECU cable from Amazon with intent to retune my stock 2010 R3T. I will eventually be removing the baffles/swapping exhausts/fab'n up new headers, but for now, I would just like to open the bike up a bit. What tune should I start with? Also, I've heard a few things about...