Hello all, can anyone suggest a good shop in Washington State, preferably on the Eastern side.
I'm installing a Carpenter Pipe, triple K@N's and tuner on my 15 Roadster. And frankly do't trust the knowledge of my local dealer in the Tri-Cities. I'm willing to drive for someone with performance...
Got a quick question. I just installed my triple k&n setup, wired up my dobeck, turned off the o2 in my tune. I let the bike warm up and went for a ride. This thing was full beast mode. Tons of power, no decel pop or anything. But, a few miles in, I notice the decel pop was back. Would leaving...
Hi, I am presently using the Power Tripp deristricting tune in my touring and am ordering a Ramair filter. I have the TOR's fitted and am happy with performance, sound & mileage. Are people changing the tune for the filter and if so which tune are you using.
I've downloaded the drivers, and downloaded the tuneECU app and tune library, but when I try to open tuneECU, it tells me it can't open it without the library?
OK guys, just "successfully" downloaded the R3III Touring stock/slip on tune. The bike came from the dealer with 367 loaded. Running the 12 minute tune as we speak. My fuel gauge is dead.... What did I do wrong now? Map 368 is now loaded. Thank you!!!!
Range to empty reads "zero" as well....
Hi all.So I am pretty sure that I know the answer to what is going on here but I guess that it can't hurt to ask.
I hooked up to my 2013 Rocket 3 Touring (Bone stock) today during my lunch break and started the process of saving the stock tune,loading the Powertripp de-restricted tune and doing...
I have a 2012 Roadster with TORS/Ramair and Ozclaw. I am currently using the PowerTripp R3R slipon map. It again runs OK, but between 3-4k it seems to run rough. Does anyone else run this tune or is there a better tune I could be using?
I've just ordered the above and then suddenly remembered (I think) there are limitations to its use with a 2014 Roadster, those being either the ECU can't be written to to change the tune but can be used for minor adjustments ie TPS and when the fan kicks in. Is that right?
Also can the main...
Monday I will be ordering the Carpenter sidewinder exhaust and triple filters and am looking for a good tuner, that hopefully can work with Tune ECU. If necessary I will drive further to get a quality tune. I even considered the 8 hour ride to see Power-Tripp, but it looks like he has closed...
Can anyone who has actually installed the power commander v auto tune tell me if the o2 sensor will screw right in or does the bung have to be changed to a different size?
'05. Jardines. Triple K&N's. Eastern Beaver headlight/ignition relay bypass, with optional low beam cutoff switch, New spark plugs. ***** is ready to get opened up.
Would like the secondaries 100% open, naturally ;)
Max everything. Unleash the beast!
I have the Lonelec cable already installed...
I have a'13_ R3T would at least like to get Power-Tripps de -resting tune ,have TORS and hopefully my Ram-Air filter on by then. I have a Lonelec cable.