1. BillB

    A little more 'in depth' TuneEcu info question

    Now, I am no stranger to FI tuning on Harleys. I have a wideband data logging set up that I have used to tune them with PCIII (which is a signal modifier) or the Harley SERT interface which actually changes the map values on the ECU. That being said, those are pretty simple pieces of equipment...
  2. Fingers

    Potential tuner

    Are there any questions to ask a tuner to see if he knows how to use "tuneecu"
  3. rash_powder

    Thunderbird ECU Tune

    A coworker of mine rides a Thunderbird Storm and also has Tune ECU for his bike. He has installed aftermarket silencers and loaded the correct ECU tune for those, but is now looking to do an airbox elimination kit. There is not a tune on the Tune ECU site for aftermarket silencers and pod...
  4. mousseman

    TuneECU tune for Remus Exhaust

    Is there any tune for a Rocket with a Remus exhaust with cats, and open secondaries, so I can have all the torque I want? And maybe also for the K&N airbox elimination kit like the one here?
  5. 1BigDog

    Hate to tune this bugger up!

  6. asteriskmonkey

    what is right tune for r3 touring with ramair, cat delete and 4" exhaust?

    I have a 2011 R3 Touring, have the cat delete 4" pipe fitting up shortly and the ramair (not pods) I read somewhere on here that with the ram air some of the default tunes run too lean ? What is the right tune for this scenario? also i see touring vs normal rocket list.. can tunes from the...
  7. Akita Man

    Any tuners you would recommend in Upper MidWest

    I will be adding the Tors this week and will consider Ramair or short term KN under seat...who is a component tuner in WI, IL, IA, area?
  8. Lenny

    Tuner Wanted...

    Got the bike back, however my labtop took a dive and i really will like to get a Tune installed in my bike. Anybody Willing to help? I have the cable and a tune for my setup. I could meet up anywhere....lmk
  9. Leogoff

    2014 R3 Tune, TORS and Ramair

    Any suggestions for a tune suitable for a 2014 R3 Roadster, VIN from 574813, fitted with Ramair and TORS? Thanks!
  10. 2008 mod Roadster Tune?

    I have a 2008 mod Roadster with Ramair filter and pipes from Dave Platt, what tune do I need for the bike? I've tuned my Tiger 2009 so I'm not new to this but when it comes to the Roadster I'm not so sure what tune to use.
  11. Loanstar

    Not another TuneEcu Question...

    Sorry, but it is...kinda. I've experimented with several TuneEcu tunes with mixed results. I have tried both the "official" as well as one custom tune that I think might apply to my bike configuration. I have an '09 Standard with a D&D (no cat, the bike came like this and I assume the cat...
  12. R3inCC

    List of tunes

    Can anyone point me to a list of tunes, maybe some of Tripps, it seems that the list of tunes on TuneECU has gone generic. I'd like to play around with a few different tunes.
  13. Tuneecu assistance

    Hi everybody owner of Roadster 2011 just installed Ramair KIT, Dave platt exhaust and would like to have advice about Map # to install and where to load (fuel 95 ron) thanks for the help
  14. Jabo75

    Bluetooth OBD2 connector that works with TuneECU

    For anyone interested, I purchased this OBD2 connector from Amazon for $24. I have used it on other cars, so I decided to try it on my Rocket3 using TuneECU for Android. I have not messed with the mapping yet since I am trying to troubleshoot a speedometer issue that I have ( error code:P1500 -...
  15. Secondary Throttle Settings on TuneECU?

    Stupid question and answer time ..... who wants to play? Just bought a used 2013 Rocket 3 Roadster and downloaded a tune but noticed the upper RPM settings in 4th and 5th gear are not maximized (anywhere from 33 to 87 rather than 100 like all the other settings). I would like to know why these...
  16. Porky

    12 minute tune-up??????

    I tried the search engine and nothing came up so what is the "12 minute tune-up?" Sam:)
  17. Rocket3Pilot

    Power Commander's vs Tune ECU's

    I just bought a 2013 Roadster with 3,500 miles. Just love the bike and trying to learn all the details. I'm very mechanically skilled but not that computer savy and havn't got a clue about "flashing, mapping, editing tunes". None of this existed when I had my last bike over 30 years ago. Back...
  18. forklift

    2014 Roadster need tune

    I have a 2014 Roadster that I just installed a Carpenter pipe with a 2 1/2" baffle, Ramair filter, and PCV and AT. I was under the impression that the auto tune would be the fixall but after reading many related threads I see that I need a tune for the modifications that I've installed in order...
  19. LintonSteele

    TuneBoy help

    Just joined, John from Scotland now in Colorado with a 2007 Rocket 3. looking for help with TuneBoy when i try to download the latest map it is telling me the bike has timed out or not connected. telling me the map is not recognized and to download the latest tune edit. i have the latest one...
  20. Evil Mitch

    For Sale Headers and staintune silencers

    Hey everyone i will be selling my ceramic coated stainless headers built by Sam Travelguy with the three staintune silencers as im going for a different look please pm me if you wish to make an offer. pickup is prefered but if someone requires postage it will be at their expense including packaging