1. flash

    What tune can i get away with 8psi boost.

    I have managed to score a used turbo kit for my rocket 3 engine, but before i start installing it i would like to sort out what tuning i require. I have tune ecu capabilities and a bosche 044 external fuel pump already running . Was hoping to just fit a rising rate fpr and utilizing the tune...
  2. RichRIII

    No fuel gage after new tune

    i loaded a different tune on my r3t tonight and during the 12 min tune, noted the fuel gage is not working. Sitting on E. I will mess with it tomorrow night, any quick suggestions?
  3. hvacnr

    Tune ECU confusion

    Hi All, First off I have a 2005 Standard with Power commander 3, factory air intake, and three into two pipes with out baffles. I have has hi idle and 2000~RPM off throttle issues. I changed the TPS with the new style, purchased the Tune ECU and thn cable for the android, installed and hooked up...
  4. 2014 Rocket 3 Roadster tune needed.

    I need a tune for my bike. It has A Ramair filter, PCV w/Autotune, D&D slash cut dual muffler and have a Paul Bryant header on order. I do have a Tuneecu cable. I seem to have lost some torque when I went with the Ramair, but I definitely like the added space.
  5. power commander auto tune questions

    Does anyone have a screenshot of ideal afr settings so I can let this thing auto tune? Thanks Chris
  6. motolink

    Loading TuneECU and Drivers onto my lap top guidance.

    My old lap top died and will not start up so I am in the process of loading Tune ECU onto my new lap top which has Windows 7. It was about 4 years ago whien I first down loaded Tune ECU but this time I am experiencing some difficulty. Do I have to down load the , Link to FTDI (D2XX) CDM...
  7. Skanska161

    08 R3T tune help please?

    Hello all, I have a 08 R3T, I am getting a Dain pipe (3-1), and also doing the K&N triple filter mod, with secondary flaps removed. I have the TuneECU cord and was hopeing someone could point me in the right place to get a good tune. I am hopeing to get the bike to a point where i can drive it...
  8. -Ray-

    Greetings! 2014 R3R need to re-map, I think!

    Hi everyone, this is my first post. everyone on the FB groups said to come over here...as there is lots to learn. I'vegot about 800 miles on my 2014 R3R (got it "new" this march for a steal since its been sitting for 2 years) and it is wonderful. right now the bike is bone stock but i'm...
  9. tonous

    Need a PCV tune for a '10 R3 Roadster forced air, Jardines, Autotune, LCD200, 2nderys removed

    I recently fabricated a forward facing forced air filter box for the side of the r3. I got the bike used and the previous owner had his own target afr/tune going on that worked just fine until after the install. His tune was from 13.0-13.7 with various rpms obviously. Test rode it today without...
  10. BigNorm

    My tune ecu adventure

    Hello all. I finally (as we speak actually) have tune ecu going. I haven't done anything yet but I thought I'd share my experience step by step. Much of this was plagiarized from @EasTexRIII. First I pulled the headlight fuse which confused the hell out of me at first because there is no...
  11. xlr8tion

    For Sale London Electric Tune ECU Cable -New In Package......

    Bought her but never used her as I could not wait 2 weeks for this Cable to arrive from the UK so I bought a lesser one off Amazon.... Here is the description from London Electric..... ** USB MICRO ADAPTOR FOR TUNEECU ANDROID NOW INCLUDED ** 100% compatible with the brilliant TuneECU software...
  12. BigNorm

    Tune ECU. Laptop or Ap

    I have two friends on here that use Tune ECU. One uses the computer, the other the ap from the Playstore. I tried to dowload the computer version but couldn't figure out how to unzip the file. Are there pros and cons either way? I like the idea of having my tuner in my pocket.
  13. Tuplis

    Tune for -06 Classic, cat bypass, RamAir, O2 Unchecked, Stock pipes

    Need help with this one. Above modification are now in place and trying to find the right tune. I'm thinking of tune 20227 with 100% secondaries and uncheck the O2 sensor. Could this be the right tune? I tried the 20219 as is and it gave small amount of decel popping. Feels that it goes lean...
  14. hossman


    Is there any kind of performance gain just putting on TORS, downloading TORS tune and drop in K&N air filter?
  15. ChicagoRocket

    2016 Roadster TORS, Ram Air need tune

    Hey gang, I'm already running a Hans O tune but i'm getting a dip at 5400 RPM...i'm looking to try a new tune and see if I get the same problem...current setup is 16 Roadster with TORS and Ram Air... Anybody have a tune I can try on Tune ECU for this setup? I have access to a local dyno for...
  16. ChicagoRocket

    What Power Commander and auto tune for my 2016?

    Hey Gang, After doing my research and getting feedback from all of you I am going to go with the power commander and auto tune option. My question is which model do I order? On there website it only goes up to an 08 for an R3... Also, which auto tune do I order? I have a 2016 Roadster Thanks!
  17. Snakeplisken

    What do you get with a tune

    So I just purchased a 2015 brand new R3 Roadster. It has full warranty on it and wanted to know what you get by retuning. Better gas mileage, more HP. Is it worth it?
  18. Another newb looking for a tune

    3 into 1 shorty pipe, looking to remove o2 sensor as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Joesmoe

    For anyone so inclined - Tune ECU available in northern Virginia

    I received the Lon-elec cable in the mail today, and plugged it into the USB port of the laptop, and both the computer and Tune ECU recognized it, and readily connected to the ECU. If anyone here would like to stop by and have this done, you are welcome. I would recommend copying off your...
  20. sleeves

    Tune ECU / PCV Question

    Hi all, just looking for some confirmation with this and please correct me if I'm completely wrong here (its a bit long winded but trying to get my head around this). The standard computer has F and L Tables with an FL Switch based on throttle position and RPM. These determine the air mass...