
  1. For Sale Used Flyscreen and Front End Fixing Kit

    For Sale: Used flyscreen in good condition. It has been painted black and has a hairline crack, which I'm pointing to in one of the pictures. The chrome is nice and shiny. The front end fixing kit, which is required to attach most screens to a Rocket III, is almost new. It was on the bike for...
  2. Sculpted Bug Screen... chin piece

    I will be using the chin spoiler that I never used and the sculpted bug screen after they are painted to match flat black on the new Roadster... Don't mind the rusty bits, used some old hardware to check fitting on the old BlownR3...
  3. Want to Buy OEM rocket 3 sports screen

    Would like to buy an OEM sports screen in good condition with triumph fixing kit. Must be complete. May consider aftermarket copy and/or coloured/tinted so long as it matches my blue haze 2011 R3R message me with your best price. Prefer seller to be based in the UK, Central England even...
  4. Roadster Fly Screen Install Questions

    Hey Fellas! Winter is in full force, another day of -30c wind chills... still trying to keep busy in the work shop. Now that I've got most of my electrical components and accessories under control, I am now looking at my phantom black fly screen. I've installed screens before but this one is a...
  5. I can't keep the drool off my screen

    I'd love to take just one of the engines for my bike
  6. Want to Buy Flyscreen incomplete any condition

    I am looking for just the plastic screen for my classic, I have all the other parts, thanks Sam 602-570-4244 call or text
  7. For Sale windscreen Rocket lll Touring

    Windscreen quick release for Rocket lll touring... like new $195 Michael 303 260 8540 Colorado
  8. Fly screen vs Sports screen...

    I am thinking of adding a small screen to my Rocket III... It is a jet black 2006... Any preference / advantage / disadvantage, to the solid color fly screen vs the clear sports screen... Other than the color they look identical... S/F B
  9. MRA Smoke Racing Screen for TRIUMPH ROCKET 3

    Has anyone tried one of the MRA Smoke Racing Screen on their ROCKET 3? MRA Smoke Racing Screen FOR Triumph Rocket 3 III Thunderbird Storm Windshield | eBay
  10. Fly Screen

    Where can I get the flat black fly screen from? Website?
  11. For Sale SOLD - Fly Screen

    For Sale - Used for one ride. $175.00 plus shipping.
  12. Fly screen dimensions

    Can someone give me the dimensions of a fly screen. I have some spare aluminum laying around and thought I might try to fashion my own.
  13. Windscreens for sale....

    Hey guys, Im selling my rocket roadster screens and attachment kit. Excellent condition, no scratches, all hardware included. I have the bolts but not pictured. The flyscreen is matte black. I will try to sell them all before separating. $400/obo for everything, buyer pays shipping.
  14. Angry Screen

    New Angry Screen with custom paint courtesy of Evil Bob (Chris) Also got the TORs and crossover installed. Hopefully, the screen will put the wind over my helmet (I'm not too tall ;)) If not, I may be asking for details from those of you who raised yours with different spacers!
  15. Hello and brackets for flyscreen

    Hello every one, this may be my first post here I have been a member here for while though you guys got a nice site here, thanks for everyone put an effort to make it useful for all of us. I'm in san Jose California and my bike is Rocket III 2005 the seconds reason for this post is I...
  16. 8 " taller windscreen on a Standard

    Hi I'm thinking about getting a taller windscreen on my 04 standard. Cee Bailer makes one that is 8" taller than the standard which I think would be the right height for me. (I'm 6' 4"). Anybody had any experience with putting such a big screen on? Or Cee Bailey's? I vaguely remember some...
  17. screen brackets

    screen brackets hi everyone, can anyone help me, I have just bought a summer screen for my rocket roadster off my friend, but it didnt come with any screen brackets to fit to the fork brackets that i already have from my fly screen i already have fitted, have tried everywhere to get some and...
  18. GPS Mount to FlyScreen

    Has anyone seen a GPS mount that will mount directly underneath the small black flyscreen? I had thought about seeing if a sheet metal (like an aircraft A&P) mechanic could fabricate one. I would like it to bolt directly to the flyscreen but am concerned about the stress it may put on the...
  19. make my own screen

    Can anyone tell me the dimentions of the summer screen, as im going to make one myself. I dont mean the fly screen.:)
  20. summer screen vs fly screen

    My bike came with a red triumph fly screen. I'm not a fan of the look and the jet strem hits my glasses. I'm debating a summer screen. I'm 6 even. anybody use both, if so how do they compare. I'm just looking to push the wind up a couple of inches from the fly screen