1. alpental

    Accessory mount options - no windscreen

    I could use a little advice on how to successfully mount accessories on bikes without any sort of windscreen or flyscreen, just a naked Roadster. I want to mount my phone and use it for navigation, as well as run a charging cable to it, underneath the gauges if possible (gotta check the...

    water dispersant for screen/visors

    Anyone recommend a water dispersant that works on screens and visors. Thanks
  3. kwimmer

    Want to Buy Windscreen brackets,Classic

    Finally gonna put a screen on it so I need a set of mounting brackets for my 2008 Classic. I already have the fixing kit.
  4. cr0ft

    "Why we ride" - screener full movie on Vimeo free until the 19th

    Free and legal viewing of the "Why we ride" documentary in HD on Vimeo, until the 19th of May anyway. Should be worth a look.
  5. nicko

    Want to Buy fly screen in black

    Really want a flyscreen for the rocket anyone have a black one they arent using?
  6. LimeyDave

    Angry Flyscreen and belly pan (chin spoiler)

    I was wondering if anyone has put the Angry Flyscreen and/or belly pan on a matte black roadster without painting them? How does the gel coat look next to the matte black? Any photos would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. benelli_4572

    Evil bob angry flyscreen

    Does anyone know if evil bob (from the other old .com site) still makes angry fly screens? I had one once upon a time but sold it like a fool.
  8. Punker

    New Screen

    Fitted at the wekend and ready for the summer
  9. Blackthou

    Sports Screen

    Fitted a Sports Screen to my Roadster today. I like it. Being transparent the front still looks thesame. Subtle and nice IMO. Too dark to post any pictures though. Will do another time.
  10. Loanstar

    Want to Buy Sport Screen

    My windshield is cracked and I've always like the look of the sport screen. I have the kit and just need the screen and bolts. I live in Canada but I have a Purolator account so shipping within Canada can be on my dime.
  11. Punker

    New Screen

    Hi Guys. My new screen has now been completed and it should be on the bike within the next week. Fantasic work again from the talented Chris Seers.
  12. cr0ft

    Want to Buy R3 Touring Screen w hardware

    If anyone has a Touring windscreen with included hardware and wants to part with it, I'm interested in the hardware only, dismounted from the shield. I have my stock screen laying around and would like to have the option to put that on in addition to my Clearview. Make me an offer if you have a...
  13. dave64

    Angry screen

    I fitted my Angry screen last night during my oil change , looks good and fits well . Just got the belly pan spoiler to fit tonight and she will be finished for the time being .
  14. Claviger

    Angry Screen on a R3R

    Angry Screen has arrived :) 30 minutes install tops, easy peasy, just takes a little fiddling to get everything where it wants to sit and centered. Also, it leaves plenty of room to reach a gloved hand in mess with the key (which I still need to relocate to put my datalogger in there) Come...
  15. Buzzz

    Taller windscreen

    Hi guys, I installed the windscreen on my new 2014 Roadster. It helps a little but isn't nearly tall enough. I'm 6'2 and the wind is still pounding my head. I know there are thread about this but I haven't been able to find them again. Who makes a windscreen to fit my Rocket thats a little...
  16. FlyboyEd

    FOR SALE-TRIUMPH ROCKET III WINDSCREEN A9748036 - light scratches

    I bought a 2006 Triumph Rocket that had a Genuine Triumph Windshield/Windscreen on it. (A9748036) It does not come with any hardware. It has some very light scratches in it from normal use.. a couple other minor scratches near the bottom but not in the vision field. This is $600 new from...
  17. SC Rocket

    Want to Buy Looking for windscreen lower air deflectors

    I have an '05, but think all years will work. Can't find new ones! Suggestions welcome if you know where I can look. Thanks for the help!
  18. Dave

    For Sale Mulberry Red Flyscreen

    I have for sale a mulberry red flyscreen. $275 aud plus shipping. Perfect condition no scratches. Complete with mounting kit. Reason for sale is I now have a black one.
  19. Want to Buy Rocket 3 tank black,screen,r/h peg,pillion backrest.

    Due to a disagreement with the Scottish countryside I now need a tank, screen, r/h peg, pillion backrest. Must be available to UK. Thanks J