1. albertaduke

    windshield/ flyscreen

    for those who want more than a flyscreen but less than a full size windshield check this site they offer a median sized clear screen for the standard rocket3 Bullster - Bubbles protecrs you from breeze for motobikes and scooters
  2. Gaolbird

    Custom Fly Screen

    Does anyone know where to find this fly screen? Thanks
  3. OE-Guy

    Fly Screen Mounting

    Hey Folks, I have a flyscreen and the two mounting pieces now all I need are the actual handlebar mounting clamps. Anyone know where I can get the four I need?? rac
  4. OE-Guy

    Flyscreen ... anyone have this or thoughts on it...

    Triumph Rocket Angry Flyscreen - eBay (item 230499511203 end time Aug-14-10 14:17:52 PDT) Looks great wondered if anyone else has it and can chime it. I like it better than the standard and the price is better... rac
  5. Windscreen instalation

    Hi I just bought a secondhand roadster windscreen from a 2009 model and am going to fix it to my new roadster when I go travelling and keep my flyscreen for around town and short trips. Can someone post a photo of how the mounting bracket is meant to be assembled on the windscreen, as I am...
  6. Akita Man

    Fly Screen Mod???

    I love the look of my "naked rocket" with just the fly screen. I notice that at 70mph. The wind blast is all but gone from my chin on down. I believe this is due to the shape and height of the fly screen. If one were to cut a piece of thin gauge stainless sheet (thin enough to form to the...
  7. benelli_4572

    FlyScreen Question?????

    I want to mount a flyscreen on my r3. I have the clock , and the fuel gauge on my bars... Will they get in the way of installing the flyscreen?????? I don't want to buy it to find out that it won't work! Any info would be great:cool:
  8. Triumph Quick Release Roadster Screen

    Up for sale is a used triumph quick release roadster screen with windshield pouch.the shield is in great shape no scratches only one little nick. I will sell with or with out pouch also has locking kit windshield triumph part # is A9708113 I had the pouch made by a local leather shop it has...
  9. ksquared

    Roadster Screen - 2 Different Part Nos. - Any Difference?

    Guys, here's a minor mystery. I've been offered a QR Roadsteer screen for my R3T for $350.00. the part number is A9708111. According to the internet, the list price is $449.00 On the MADSS site, the Roadster screen is being offered for $561.35, with a list price of $660.00. The part number...
  10. pjl52

    Touring Screen Heights and Widths

    Guys I posted earlier regarding the prohibitive cost of obtaining a Clearview screen, since then I have found a local manufacturer that will make a screen to my requirements at a reasonable cost. My question is what are the dimensions of both the OEM Touring screens and the Clearview, can...
  11. pjl52

    Clearview Screen Shipping

    Guys Sent a message to Clearview requesting shipping costs for a screen to Queensland Australia, below is their reply: Hello Peter, I do not have good news on the shipping to Australia......the shipping would be $435 by the Post Office. UPS would even be higher. For some reason Australia...
  12. Big bugga

    Fly screen adjustment

    Went for my first long run over the weekend and found the position of the small screen to be a bit low. Air deflected right at my face. While it wasnt bad I wouldnt like to put up with it on a long out of town ride. After a quick look and without undoing anything, I cant see a position...
  13. Tuneboy sensor screen

    Does any one know what the Reset ISCV & Reset ADAPT will do on Sensor screen? Dave:confused:
  14. gwilliams290

    Clear Screen

    I'm looking for a clear screen. I already have a "summer screen" so I don't need the mounting (fixing) kit and I don't want to pay $500 for a new one if there is a used one available.
  15. scot in exile

    Clearview Screen

    Does anyone have the 25" clearview screen?? I just installed one and it is massive I feel like I am in a car:eek: maybe it is just me as I have never tried a screen before.
  16. Fly Screen Question

    I need something to take away some of the wind blast on my chest while riding at highway speeds. I was hoping the Triumph fly screen might work. I like the looks of the Fly screen better than the summer and touring screen’s. Any comments from people that have the fly screen would help me make my...
  17. GreyFox

    Sump pan oil screens

    Just had to look closer at the old sump pan after removal. What the hell!!!!!!!!! has Triumph done to the life of my engine:mad:. I removed two screens from the sump pan and found what you see in the pictures on the link. The scree on the front side is covered with what looks to be melted teflon...
  18. Screen cutting

    :confused:My standard R3T screen is too low, the optionsl blade is 6 inches taller, I think i need to cut the blade down by about an inch. Does anyone out there have any experience of cutting triumph screens? (Triumph techhie says fine toothed hacksaw) and bevelling?
  19. crazyman

    R3T - New Clearview screen

    I installed my new Clearview 19" screen. It's 3" taller than and 2" wider than the stock. I opted for the recurve on the screen. Installation was quick. Just need some adjustments for the lower brackets. Let me just say, this screen should be stock on the Rocket. I can hear my...
  20. Eyebrowed Flyscreen!

    anyone know where the cool looking eyebrowed flyscreens are being bought? they kinda curve over part of each headlight! (eyebrows)