1. Rollwithit

    Rode home my new R3 Touring

    168 miles of pure satisfaction to get home. no regrets at all with this. now to get 500 miles on it so i can change the oil. and i will have to figure out how to check the ECM for faults then as well.
  2. Can't wait to get my R3

    Just waiting for the dealer to assemble her. Flat black, 2015 Roadster. My 2nd Triumph, traded in my '09 Tiger 1050 on this Rocket and am looking forward to getting on the road. I also know that I want to do something like a power commander to help the stock tune, remove that restrictive intake...
  3. GaryB

    New to R3Owners not to Rocket III

    Been riding my 2005 RIII since 2009 and have visited this forum but never signed up. Figured it was time to do so. I am an Electronics Engineer dealing mostly with BLDC motors at a small company. I have 2 dogs and a wife who are all equally glad to see me come home. Came to motorcycle riding...
  4. Claviger

    AntiLaser Priority on an R3

    Anyone out there already installed one on their R3? I recent found out that Hawaii Cops exclusively use Laser detection, no radar, and the antilaser is not forbidden here on island. They make a motorcycle specific model. Wondering if anyone has done this up on an R3 yet, if so, how did you...
  5. Porky

    R3r Foot peg lowering brackets?

    I have installed riders foot peg lowering brackets on a number of bikes to get more leg comfort and I would like the same thing for my 2012 R3r. Has anyone here used these and if so, who did you order them from? Thanks! Sam
  6. Camptc

    Towing Options for R3T

    I'm starting to tour for longer distances these days, and my wife is finally on board to travel via motorcycle. However, she has a strong tendency to bring a lot of crap with her, which is filling my tourpacks and saddlebags to the gills. I've started looking into towing with the R3T. What...
  7. Mittzy

    Not my Cup of Tea..... R3R for sale on ebay

    Truimph rocket three $30,000 - - - Not Cheap - Brief description I reckon its ugly..... that's just me tho... Might give other some thoughts
  8. Happy

    Need Help in finding and/or making a bullet fairing for my new R3R

    I found this pic on the internet and fell in love with the fairing. I was told it might be a modified FZR750 fairing that was cut, modified and painted black. If so does anyone have any advice on how to start a project like that. Also if I could find one that looked even more retro, like the...
  9. Corey

    has anyone ever put our beloved monster R3 engine in another vehicle?

    I recently purchased a winter project and was going to ask if anyone has put the R3 engine in another frame (Triumph of course) I am considering my R3T as a donor to its older cousin a 71 Spitfire MkIV , (and getting a 2016 R3T) anyone know of anyone doing this?
  10. Macrider

    R3T is not shifting

    My 2010 R3T is not shifting gears ,It is stuck in first gear and I can not get it to go into neutral at all. It will go into neutral if the engine is not running. When I get it going I can start shifting thru 2,3,4,5 but not every time ,and slowing down and stopping it will not go into neutral...
  11. Anyone have the R3 just shut off while riding?

    Hello gentlemen. New R3T with less then 100 miles on it. Took the misses out for the first time and was driving some slightly hilly roads here in central Florida so I could do some downshifting to keep deceleration pressure up in the cylinders during break in. Was going 40-50, went to downshift...
  12. 1olbull

    Rivco TR3010 Luggage Rack - WANTED

    Anyone have one of these I could buy? Apparently they are discontinued by Rivco.
  13. Floorboards for the rear on an R3R

    I'd like to put floorboards on the back for my wife. I wanted to get the Triumph floorboards (I guess they would be the ones for the touring model), but I can't seem to find out if they'll fit on the Roadster. If I have to go with aftermarket ones, what would you recommend? Thanks.
  14. My new (to me) R3R

    Last Friday I made my trek to MN, which believe it or not, was the shortest trip I've had to make out of the last 3 bikes I've purchased. The seller, wildchild (Tom) was very accommodating and I enjoyed meeting him very much. Tom is good people and it's guys like him that's a big part of reason...
  15. albertaduke

    R3 standard exhaust 2005/2006/2007

    looking to buy such an animal if you have one somewhere in the garage sell it to me....cheap naturally
  16. jcb7469

    rear brake upgrade for 2010 non abs r3t

    So i have a 2010 r3t without abs. I changed to the high end pads and it still is very grabby and locks the rear wheel really bad. Im currently deployed to korea. Im trying to think what can be done to upgrade the brakes? Any suggestions?
  17. Happy

    Hello, new R3R owner, need help with Windshield, forward controls, comfort measures.

    I just sold my R3T and purchased a new R3R. I need advice making this bad boy as comfortable as possible cause I have a long work commute every day so comfort is important to me. I loved my R3T but needed more speed and power cause I commute along I10 in Houston. You have to move fast just to...
  18. Bedifferent

    For Sale (Listed on eBay) Corbin Fairing R3T

    Sold I have decided to sell my Corbin Fairing in spite of how well I like the looks of it on my bike. Since I made my extra wind deflectors for my hands, I have decided I like the pocket I get better with my tall Cee Bailey windshield. I have listed it on eBay and since I am not sure how to...
  19. Soon to be R3Touring Cranberry owner in central Florida

    Hello everyone. I've been lurking awhile and now am getting ready to purchase a 15 Touring in Cranberry. I live in the central Florida area and just sold my 2013 Kawasaki C14 a few months back. Spent a lot of money trying to get it comfortable, but it never worked out. Wonderful bike though...
  20. Busaboy

    2005 TR3 Roadster TORS no CAT

    New to me 2005 TR3 Roadster, TORS no CAT, 23K miles. Third owner of bike. No idea what "tune" the bike has. Bike pops a lot on decel and does not seem that fast. I looked for a baseline tune for the mods this bike has but no luck. Can someone give a link or number of the "base" tune from the...