1. Update on "unexpected" stall issue with new 15' R3T

    On previous posts, I've commented about my new R3T stalling during deceleration/down shifting. I recently installed the "stock and slip on" tune. (368). Bike came from the dealer with (367) installed. I've put a few hundred miles on the bike since the (368) install and it has not stalled once...
  2. HarleyToo

    R3R Motor Ready to Install

    Hey, guys, just found this great pic of a new R3R motor getting ready to be installed I thought you would all appreciate;
  3. New R3 owner from New Zealand

    Hi guys,I just purchased an 06 Rocket3,I don't know much about them yet but thanks to your site I'm learning lots in a hurry.I want to change a few things like exhaust and air intake...I wont rush into this.I'm still buzzing about the bike as its so frikken awesome.
  4. jpool

    R3 at El Mirage land speed racing event

    I was at El Mirage dry lake in Southern California today to watch SCTA land speed racing, and I spotted this: I didn't have a chance to talk to the R3 rider, does anyone recognize the bike? He ran 147 MPH on the run I saw. As usual, there were also many other interesting contestants, such as...


    I purchased the Australian McCruise Control shortly after I bought my bike but its been sitting on a shelf in the garage ever since. I just left Las Vegas for two weeks in the Philippines so I dropped the bike and the cruise unit at Freedom Cycle in Las Vegas to have it installed while I'm gone...
  6. Anyone using an OBDII reader/Torque Pro on their R3???

    Hello everyone! I use one of those 25 dollar OBDII Bluetooth readers on Amazon on both of my cars. In conjunction with the Torque Pro app (HIGHLY recommend), I can monitor any information the ECU/sensors are sending. Well I figured I'd hook it up to the Rocket and low and behold, I was receiving...
  7. SausageCreature

    New R3 owner in Jacksonville, FL

    Greetings, I just picked up my 2006 Classic two days ago. Enjoying it so far! My previous ride was a Honda 919 (or Hornet 900, depending on the country). Had that bike for 10 years and loved every minute, but I needed something better for two-up rides with the wife. I nearly got a Dyna...

    Color for saddlebags? What do you think? '11 R3R.

    Need removable bags.. probably going to go with these: MUTAZU Motorcycle Trunks Bike is metallic flake gloss black... if I get the Matazu gloss black it won't be EXACTLY the same.. think that'll matter or should I look at flat-black? Other recommendations? Opinions are OK! John
  9. cj jeeper

    R3 clutch kit

    Hi all, No doubt the subject has been broached many times but I need some input on this. My '08 standard R3 (slightly modified for touring) has 52k on her and needs a new clutch. Seems I may have burned it forcing the bike to a safe spot about 100 yards after a rear tire blowout on the...
  10. Hello r3 owners

    I thought I would stop by and leave a post before i look through the forum. I am an R3 owner my self and love the bike, hoping to smarten it up a little. I have begun stripping the R3 so watch out for my questions. :)
  11. Ruddy

    Footpegs for R3T instead of floorboards

    Has anyone replaced their rider floorboards with footpegs? Personally prefer pegs over boards....any advice on replacement pegs appreciated. Cheers Ruddy
  12. Hello to all from Alaska/Yukon border, first time R3 owner.

    Just bought a 2014 touring model, last bike was a 1948 Panhead which was stolen. Looking forward to put miles on ne R3 touring.
  13. tomcat3b

    Hello R3 Owners from Missouri!

    Hello Rocketmen from Columbia, Missouri. I'm new to the site...looking to buy a Rocket III Touring. I currently own a 2011 Victory Hammer which is great for solo riding, but my g/f isn't comfortable on the back. I'm considering a 2009 thru 2012 R3T for budget reasons. I've ridden a 2011 R3R...
  14. R3R throttle grip change out any info ?

    I'm at Avon grips in Daytona and they say they can't change the grips on the throttle they have to remove tank and a whol bunch of stuff . I say that's BS ANYONE EVER DONE IT?
  15. BLS_SDMF

    Hello 2006 R3 owner

    Glad to have found this site and hope to enjoy conversation with all interested in R3's....
  16. Martin

    R3R exhaust collector box, popping

    hello all Replaced my R3R exhaust with straight through end cans and straight through cross-over, plus in-box K&N, got it dyno'ed accordingly. F/A was set at 13.5. the performance and smooth running is perfect. The problem is popping on deceleration, its got to a point where I find it so...
  17. Watcher

    Good by R3T

    I know I will never be happy about this but I sold the bike today it receive a good home the sales guy that sold me my bike bought it we could not come to a number on a trade but he asked if he could ride it I said sure he came back and said whats your bottom dollar I told him he said sounds...
  18. sleeves

    Not an R3 question but looking for input re PCV and AT

    My surrogate son has a GSXR600 track bike, hotted up with Yoshimura exhaust, cams and K&N. It also had a PCV fitted to it. The bike was lacking compared to others. On a thought (probably a bad one) I took the Auto tune off my R3 and fitted it up to his bike (there was a connection for it in...
  19. Rollwithit

    Rode home my new R3 Touring

    168 miles of pure satisfaction to get home. no regrets at all with this. now to get 500 miles on it so i can change the oil. and i will have to figure out how to check the ECM for faults then as well.
  20. Can't wait to get my R3

    Just waiting for the dealer to assemble her. Flat black, 2015 Roadster. My 2nd Triumph, traded in my '09 Tiger 1050 on this Rocket and am looking forward to getting on the road. I also know that I want to do something like a power commander to help the stock tune, remove that restrictive intake...