1. TxRIIIRider

    Fork mounted tool bag pics

    I finally got around to posting some pics of my Rocket including the tool bag that I mounted in place of the horn cover. It may not be for everyone, and I wasn't sure at first, but I think it looks really good..
  2. vonbonds

    Traxxion Dynamics - Fork Suspension Work

    Hey guys, I am emailing with Traxxion Dynamics located in Woodstock, GA (near Atlanta). I am thinking of taking my bike down so they can disassemble the forks to see what kinds of services/products they can offer us. I need to work out the details with them before I set a date but I would...
  3. vonbonds

    Fork Oil

    Has anyone replaced their fork oil yet? If so is the procedure hard? I was looking at the service manual and it mentions special tools to remove this and that....I was hoping to simply replace the oil without removing the components from the forks themselves. I am doing this because my...