1. Fork tool needed?

    Can front fork oil seals and springs be put on without the Tool "Front fork filler/evaculator tool #3880160-t0301" and one more is the "Fork tube rod tool # 3880085-t0301". I have the spring compressor tool. I know, probably not, I'll have to buy them. Just checking..
  2. R3 front fork tools

    Looking for a tool for the front fork spring & oil seal replacement? Tool # is 3880160-t0301 and one more is: 3880085-t0301. They are used in replaced front fork springs and/or oil seals for the 06 Triumph Rocket 3. Thanks,
  3. CanberraR3

    Fork bushes

    Anyone know what fork bushes fit an 09 Standard? Triumph has no listing (wtf) and I need some urgently - bike in bits. Do some from some other bike fit? Apologies if this covered somewhere already but can't search on my phone.
  4. Powder Monkey

    manufacturers weight fork oil

    Anyone know what trumpy put in? Wanting to put my new springs in and maybe go up a weight in fork oil too for less squishiness - btw that's a very technical term!!
  5. Bubba

    Front Fork leak ?

    Hello . another small issue I hope .Just noticed a small oil leak bottom of front fork. Anyone ever have this issue ,and is it hard to fix ?? :D
  6. Front fork progressive springs install question

    I will be putting the front progressive springs on my 06' R3. Do I need the front spring compressor tool part #T3880067 (t-handle looking) to install the new springs? Do the spacer in the forks come out and stay out, or are they reused? Are the new springs longer? Can it all be done from the top...
  7. Front fork springs length stock/upgrade

    Reposting this: Are aftermarket progressive front fork springs longer than the stock springs on an 06' R3? Not necessarily making the bike higher, but maybe more travel? Just a guess.. They were on my 02' Bonneville. 06' R3
  8. Triple Trouble

    Easy fork upgrade

    I've finally got the details ironed out for a fork upgrade. This info is courtesy of Wayne Tripp and I'm just passing along the information. The first is a very simple spacer which is placed under the spring and helps control the damping. You need to cut the top pre-load tube by the same amount...
  9. dbutton12

    Corrosion on lower fork tubes

    My 08 has (had) corrosion under the clear coat on the lower fork tubes. I did finally find a product that will remove the clear coat without damage to the aluminum. The product is Martin Senour Paints #6802. However, it will not even begin to work until you heat both the fork tube and the...
  10. Bent shift fork

    I had been having a problem with my 11 roadster hopping out of gear,so 2 weeks ago i tooh it into the shop. Triumph told them to check the detend spring,well yesterday they called and that wasn`t it. Today they called and said they tore the tranny apart and it a bent shift fork and will be about...
  11. rash_powder

    air forks

    I am going to be replacing my rear who is with a set of air shocks. I like the adjustability at the touch of a button, like Gold wings run. That got me thinking, how would an air fork be? There has to be a bike out there, like a goldwing, running air forks I could either directly swap...
  12. TRath


    I've noticed a slight leak coming from my left fork seal so it's looking like I've got a job to do. Question is, how big a job am I looking at? Anybody done a how-to? Admittedly, I'm not much of a wrench, but I'm also remarkably cheap so I'd rather do the job myself if possible.
  13. Super fork upgrade!

    Hi guys, Thought I'll share this with you guys coz I haven't seen anyone talk about it yet in any topics (unless I'm totally blind for which I apologize in advance) I've been looking for ways to improve our R3's suspension setup so that it not only corners better but rides plusher. I've...
  14. Evil Mitch

    Fork tube cap

    Hi everyone A friend of mine is desperatly chasing a forktube cap for there rocket but triumph australia are out of stock Does anybody have a second hand one in good nick that they would be willing to part with or know of somewhere they could get one? Also they are chassing a steering dampner...
  15. Micksan

    How To On Fork Spring Changeout

    OK I have the fork seals, and 7.5 wt oil. Springs are on the way. After reading all of the posts I could , found people are good with the progressive. Plus $68 shipped from Amazon is also good. I do 99% of my own work. Have a good shop. In the manual it calls for a special to compress the...
  16. Micksan

    Old Fork Springs

    I am going to try and get Sonic Springs to make me up a set of fork springs. To save time and a lot of trouble ,I would like to ask if anyone has a set of old OEM fork springs laying around. I need the length , diameter, and thickness of the spring wire. It would be a big help. I have had them...
  17. Micksan

    Fork Oil Question

    I just got out of my manual. Fork oil is listed as 667 ccc of 5 SAE. Which is OK if I was going to use standard transmission oil. I always use specific oil for forks. Question . What is the proper oil for our R3 forks >> In fork oil bottles . 5, 10, 15 ect. I normally use PJ1 Also it calls for...
  18. JohnnyCanuck

    Fork Oil Advice

    I'm having Progressive springs installed this weekend. Any suggestions on fork oil? Triumph manual suggests 0W in specs section and recommends 5W in the front suspension section. I was thinking maybe going up a tad to a 10W for better handling. Any thoughts?
  19. Upper Fork Diameter

    I know the Rocket 3 has 43mm inverted forks, however NOWHERE can I find the diameter of the upper fork tubes. I am looking at having Custom Dynamics make me some custom wrap-around LED turn signals, and they insist that my tubes (which measure 8.5 in around) are 57mm, but my math puts them...
  20. Ugarte

    Fork seals

    My left fork seal is blown again. I guess I must have helped it along with the uncontrolled wheelies I did right after getting the gipro, but it was seeping even before then. This is the second blown seal, and again it is on the left. Anyone else having trouble with the fork seals? I will...