
  1. Noticed the right fork seal is leaking

    Was about to go for a ride this morning and while checking the tyre pressure I notice some oil on the front tyre. A closer look and I saw right side fork seal leaking. Removed the fork seal dust cover and gave the fork a good wash and clean. How difficult is it to dismantle the fork and...
  2. Help Me Understand Fork Bushings

    I'm trying to understand all I can about the anatomy of the forks before I overhaul them. I understand that basically no one touches the bushings. Nonetheless, I'm learning a lot about forks from dirt riders, since they're seriously into this stuff, and they have a lot to say about bushings...
  3. My Experience Using A Seal Mate

    After starting the bike for the first time in three years, the next day I took a thirty mile ride. Several hours later I noticed my front forks were leaking. The right one was leaking a bit, enough to drip down onto the tire. The left one was more severe, leaving a puddle about the size of three...
  4. Fork Spring Upgrades

    Hi Y'all... I've been having some nose-dive issues lately with my 2007 R3C. Just seems like the fork springs are from a Sportster or something half the size of these big Rockets. Are these springs available on any good? Are the progressive springs from...
  5. Fork Lowers

    The fork lowers on my 09 Touring are now losing their lacquer and looking a bit sorry. I'm thinking about either polishing them or painting them myself but don't really want to take them off (happy to remove the front wheel to do the job). Have any of you guys done this? if so what was the...
  6. For Sale MF Cycle 59mm fork clamps. Black! M10 stud size

    MF Cycle 59mm fork clamps. Were polished aluminum when I bought them. New they were $129. I had them powder coated in black. Decided I want to go a different route with my turn signals. Make me the right offer and I'll pay the shipping to get em to ya. (In the USA). They do separate so you...
  7. Front fork bag

    Been wanting to get the stsereo system for my bike setup and have been trying to figure out precisely where I'm going to put the amplifier so i added a front fork bag above the headlight. Any anyone else was wanting to add a bit of storage to the front, the clamp bar for the cable management...
  8. Want to Buy R3Touring front fork

    Hi all. I am looking for a front fork for Touring (or tubes for it). Regards Sergo
  9. Front fork Touring

    Read somewhere that the front suspension for Touring was developed by Kayaba. Looking for the fork assy or for it's parts, can't find anything. Could anyone assist? At least regarding Kayaba and Part numbers. Thanks Sergo
  10. Front Fork Seals/Prog Springs

    I'm doing the change over to Progressive springs. So I have them apart, new 7W oil, new seals in. the manual says to put oil level at 89 mm from upper edge of fork tube, with fork fully compressed. OR, Alternatively just put in 667 cc's of fluid. In my feeble mind, since the forks were...
  11. Hey all; does anyone know the fork oil capacity in cc's for the Touring forks?

    As I am changing the fork oil in my beast, the only thing I have found in the manual is 110mm below the top of the tube compressed. Does any one have other information? Thanks to all in advance!
  12. front fork seals

    Is there a thread about changing the front fork seals /springs showing the tools needed.Cheers
  13. Front Fork Oil Weight?

    I am replacing my Roadsters front springs and rear shocks with Progressives. After looking in the owners manual and doing a search (albeit fast) I cannot find the stock front shock oil weight which is what Progressive calls for. Help please.
  14. Fork Seals

    O.K. Folks, so what is the general advice on "how to" changing the fork seals ?
  15. Is fork dipping when front brakes applied at very slow speed normal?

    I know this sounds like a dumb question but I've been curious about this since buying my new R3T a few months ago and I thought I'd finally ask other R3T owners to see if this is normal. My R3T front forks will dive (compress) sharply even when applying the front brake even while pushing it...
  16. Front fork preload

    i am another big dude on a tourer. I wanted to ask if anyone has shimmed the front springs to add preload and if so, the results. Back in my dirt bike days certain fork kits came with thick walled pvc to trim and put under the fork caps. Per Race Tech, the bike comes with a .78 rate spring and...
  17. Fork Seals

    My dealer is taking forever to get them. Anyone know of a source in the US?
  18. Replaced Fork Seals - Surprise

    Replaced the fork seals today, all went according to directions found here on the R3 forum, thanks for the instructions guys. Replaced the springs with Progressives that I got off of eBay for $70. My big surprise was that on one of the seals, there were no springs and on the other one, just...
  19. Maxton fork cartridges GP30 in USA?

    After my first 1200 miles on the girl, I do believe she needs new garters... there are lots of options for the rear, but not the front. It seems clear to me that the front needs more than springs, it needs better valving. While the ride was OK on the big slab, corners left it wallowing. Why...
  20. hard front suspension after fork oil change

    After changing in the front forks (both) and took the bike for a ride?the suspension is harder than before and the handlebar bounces small when the bike enters potholes?? Measured 667 ml as mentioned in the manual and poured d oil . Will the suspension get soft on riding few miles ???? Did...