1. Bubba

    Rocket 3 classic Exhaust ..

    Hello I was wondering if a touring exhaust will fit a 2007 classic... what are the differances.?:cool: and how bout the roadster ??
  2. Tripps

    Classic bars on a Touring

    I bought a set of Classic bars on the site here, I never liked the extreme angle my hands intersected the bars at, and put them on my Touring. Going down the road, I'm in heaven, my arms are fully extended, and much more straight to the bars. The thing is, about 15 miles into the maiden...
  3. Triumph Superbike Classic

    the triumph superbike classic, will be held just outside of birmingham alabama on june 21-23 on the 2.38 mile road track and open seating and paddock passes available to visit the bikes and teams in the pits. hope some of our captains can make the races you can visit site listed below and click...
  4. Difference Between 'Classic' and 'Touring' Swingarms...

    Evenin all, I'm trying to work out what swing arm to use for my reverse-trike project. I want to run an obscenely large rear wheel, so the engine will be getting offset and the swing arm I use will be getting chopped up and widened. Here's where it gets a bit confusing (for me... :D)...
  5. tekardi

    Evaluating old classic look of mine Classic

    Years ago when I decided to buy my beast, I went for a used Classic that came with toons of accessories ....later I start pulling out that Classic look and put it more aggressive style....I switch to slash cut pipes .... And others....now I have understand that the classic look could stay in the...
  6. dave64

    Phillip Island classic

    Went down the Island today for the Island classic , we had a great day weather was good came home with a little sunburn :mad:
  7. webBikeWorld

    Continental Road Attack 2 CR Tires Dominate Classic Motorcycle Racing in 2012

    They sure look different than those classic tires from back in the day! More...
  8. Hellwalker

    Red and White Classic in Henderson, WA

    Hey followed Captain on Red and White Classic from Rockingham 1 and you turned towards Maritime Marine Complex... I have not seen many Rockets around. I live in Secret Harbour, still debating on shipping mine... Next time I see you I will honk in respect, lol... love the lane splitting here...
  9. TxRIIIRider

    Luckenbach, TX - Harvest Classic Oct 19-20th

    An event I actually get to go to this year! I usually just head up on the Saturday, but this year it looks like I will get to head up Friday night and camp the weekend!.. Always a fun time. There are a gillion pictures in mine and Snuffcityrider's photo albums from past Harvest Classics. My...
  10. What has Triumph done to lower power in tour compared to classic?

    Hello, I have a classic, and I am looking at a tour model now. I would like to know what triumph has done to decrease the power output? Is it a tune? Is it internal motor? What can you do to restore the fun power?
  11. Best Front Brakes for a 2007 R3 Classic

    Just a simple question! What do you guys recommend for break pads for the front of the R3? Should I stick with the more expensive Triumph Replacements or should I try EBC or another brand?
  12. Is there a hitch for 06 classic worth buying?

    Is there a hitch for 06 classic worth buying? Thanks for advice.
  13. Micksan

    Non Classic >>>Roadster ECU Maps

    I have a 06 Non Classic standard. I weas looking at the maps on the links portion of the Tune ECU. ( Alain Box ) Some are marked for the Rocket III >>> Otheres are marked Rocket III Roadster . Are these maps compatiable. Or should I just stay with the 7 in the Rocket II folder. Thanks
  14. Classic Floorboard Kit A9758081 no longer available

    Tried to purchase the Classic floorboard kit A9758081 over the past couple of days and been told Triumph no longer offer this kit and can only now supply the standard floorboard kit A9758085. I really wanted the classic kit as they are lower and on less of an angle. :confused::confused::confused:
  15. albertaduke

    rear lens classic

    I have a classic rear red lens with the rubber seal to give away if any body needs one just pay for shipping and it is yours
  16. Install/fitment Jardine?? On my 06 classic do the mounts between frame, and foot peg

    Hello, I have Jardines I am installing on my 06 classic, and I need to know are the mount going behind the foot pegs, or behind the frame that holds the pegs. Thank you
  17. What can I load in a 06 classic? What is different between, and not allowed?

    Hello, I have a 06 classic, and would like to know what models/years tune ecu downloads can be used. Example would a roadster download with jardines, and three filters load in my classic? What years will not load. Thank you
  18. 07 classic upgrade question

    I have collected the parts to upgrade my 07 rocket classic. I have a d&d exhaust system, power commander, the pod filters to get rid of the stock air box, and also the GI pro. My question is whether or not I need the o2 eliminator for this set up or not? just want to make sure I have everything...
  19. kailuasurfer

    Trade Roadster pegs for classic pegs?

    I am looking for a set of Roadster pegs for my R3. My preference is to trade my classic pegs with someone as an even trade but will consider other options. Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
  20. TxRIIIRider

    Bridgestone tires for the R3 Standard/Classic/Roadster

    Due to current budgetary concerns and a recent flat tire on my Rocket, I think I am going to be brave this time and try out a set of Bridgestone Exedra tires. Bridgestone makes the Exedra G701 in a 150/80HR-17 for $145.99 at Bridgestone Exedra G701 Front Tire - Cruiser Motorcycle - Motorcycle...