1. PianoMan

    Classic Back Rest Pad

    Well, it finally got here. I had the dealer install the Triumph tall sissy bars with the new Classic Back Rest Pad. I've been told by my passenger that she is SUPER comfortable and the concave shape really helps support the entire back much better than the original flat pad.
  2. New '06 Classic Only Maps

    I went to my dealer today to get my bike remapped for the maddogs and removal of the cat box. Right after fitting them I didn't have much of a backfiring problem however after putting about on about 600 miles it was getting gradually worse. I thought I would hold out for Tuneboy but... so I...
  3. The Verdict Is In On R3 Classic Seat

    I was in the saddle for about 6 hours today and I have no complaints about the "Touring" seat on the R3 Classic, which by the way is available to purchase as an option for all models. The floorboards deserve some credit too. In fact it may be the combination that made the ride comfortable...