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  • Users: Doc
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  1. Avon Tires on R3Tourer

    I am thinking about Avon's for the R3T next time I change - have 6K on the current stock rubber and am panning a tour in the summer, so will redress the wheels for this. How are the Avon's performing? I'll keep my eyes skinned for pressures...
  2. Fuel Gauge on R3T

    Yup, it's in there - maybe a guider for when the outer case drops onto the tank? It sits in the well immediately above the filler hole for the tank - I think this is what made me wonder if it was designed to take fuel beyond the inner tank filler hole level. It just worries me that even when the...
  3. Fuel Gauge on R3T

    Im game for a laugh! I'll pull the ECU next time I fill up. One more thing - in the filler under the cap there is a black rod extending into the channel between the out tank case and the inner filler hole - what's this? Initially I thought it might be the 'fill-to' marker...but this would...
  4. Fuel Gauge on R3T

    I have a similar issue and posted it on another thread. When I first took the bike out the gauge dropped to 1/4 after a couple of miles and registered 18 to empty! Dealer replaced the float arm which apparently was bent - you may want to check this? The replacement still isn't great - a mile to...
  5. Windshield extender?

    Hi Dave, Does it work well on the Standard screen - this may solve my problem if it does!
  6. Heat Issues for R3T?

    I take my hat off to you riding in Manhatten - only ever driven a car there and that was enough!! I have an R3T and commute every day into a city in the UK. Our roads are very much stop/start when you cannot squeeze through and filter. During the VERY ODD day of blistering heat, I noticed the...
  7. Windshield extender?

    Sorry Punkdave, my typographical screw up! I meant they do not have one to fit the standard screen - only one for the Roadster..: "Hello Dr. Ward, Sorry to say, we do not have product for the smaller "summer" shield on the Rocket III. Safe and pleasant rides, Leo"
  8. Windshield extender?

    OK - I emailed laminar and they do not have a lip that fits the standard or summer screens....anyone else any ideas? I could buy the touring screen which is 3-6 inches bigger, but here in the UK is not far short of £500!!! Not good news!
  9. Windshield extender?

    I have bad helmet burble too on the R3T with the standard screen (not the touring screen - larger of the two stock). Does the lip help with the standard screen?
  10. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Email received - all systems go! Now where is that accessory list....
  11. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Timing is everything! If there's a beer in the offing timing can be quite flexible!!! I'll let you know if they email back...
  12. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Just emailed the So Cal store Turbo - I'll let you know what they say! If they can order the bits in me and the m'am can jump a cab out there - be a good trip anyhow - she's a Ducati fan (last bike was a Moto Guzzi, new one is the oh so weird Honda DN-01!!!) and I like the Victory's too, so...
  13. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Thanks very much to you both. I'll be there in October, 12-16th with my wife and some work colleagues, though working not holiday!!! :? I'm looking for specific R3T accessories like the luggage rack that fits the easy-off sissy bar, maybe some nicer mirrors (tear drop), and had been musing...
  14. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Thanks Gasket - anyone out there have any personal knowledge - ie god or bad shops etc etc?
  15. Honda owner thinking about a Rocket III Tourer

    Jeff mate - is your post above in the wrong thread?? :?:
  16. Shop locator please!!!!! Local US knowledge required...

    Hi, I am planning on being in Newport Beach (LA) in October. Given the exchange rate, or lack thereof, I am thinking of buying some accessory goodies for my R3T and bringing them back to the UK myself. Anyone know a good store nearby? Thanks all, Doc