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  1. mcan1x

    Winter Storm Jonas aka A Cold Nor'easter

    Flying home from Buffalo today, switched my connection from Atlanta to Minneapolis so I don't get stranded. Glad to be making it away from the mess before it hits
  2. mcan1x

    (almost) new Rocket in the Rockies

    Welcome from Oregon, just got mine a couple weeks ago too.. Was loving it before our snow showed up.
  3. mcan1x

    Triump vs Harley

    Aftermarket and dealer support. Right now HD has the market in both. Polaris has a ton of criteria for a dealership to meet to become an Indian dealer, their benchmark is HD. You can build a HD clone out of catalog parts.
  4. mcan1x

    Rocket Owners Northwest

    mcan1x- Harry - Portland, OR
  5. mcan1x

    New guy from Portland

    Yeah, she'll be happier on this than a Duc, she likes the Can Ams, but i'm not there yet. Thinking an EGlide trunk down the road will keep her good and comfy.
  6. mcan1x

    New guy from Portland

    I'm in. Yeah, between the sleet and black ice it's making this whole getting used to the bike a lot tougher, but still trying.
  7. mcan1x

    New guy from Portland

    Yeah, a bit too cool, we're making ice here, but it makes the dealers a bit easier to talk to :cool:
  8. mcan1x

    New guy from Portland

    New '15, no mods so far, but the dealer threw in their version of a louder exhaust and flash, hasn't been done yet, and I hadn't done enough reading before hand to see I'd be better off doing it
  9. mcan1x

    New guy from Portland

    Hi all, my name's Harry, been lurking about for a few days, guess it's time for the intro. On a whim, I checked out my local dealer before Christmas, ended up leaving with a new Rocket Tour. Been a Harley guy for the last 30 years, spent a few years with Victories, and was really hoping for more...