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  1. Camptc

    For Sale 2010 Touring (non-ABS) in Middle TN ($9500)

    I've finally come to grips with the reality that I'm abusing my rocket by not riding her enough. The bike is a 2010 Rocket III Touring with about 24k miles on it. It has a wide variety of upgrades and tweaks, including a Mustang dual tour saddle with rider backrest, Triumph passenger backrest...
  2. Camptc

    Michelin Commander II update

    I'm still extremely pleased with the Commander II's on my bike. I run the 130-90R16 on the front. +1 for the better low speed maneuvering. Gotta love material science. Amazing that they can make a rubber compound that's tough like these are, while still providing a lot of bite in turns and in...
  3. Camptc

    Fairing for touring model (r3t)

    I found that an aftermarket fairing for a road king works great for the R3T. I just took their brackets and copied the geometry for the the top end, then extended them to match up with the posts already on the R3T's forks. Took some elbow grease, but I wanted to hard mount the whole thing...
  4. Camptc


    Have any of you ever used the Harbor Freight 'trailer in a bag' set up that they sell? It's about $400 and it's a steel frame with an ABS cargo box on top... 78" Tag-Along Trailer - 600 Lb. Capacity
  5. Camptc

    Went to a Harley shop

    I like the style of the scrambler and all that... my only complaint is the weight. It's a beast for muscling around. With a larger flywheel and all that, though, it's easy to baby at low speeds and feather the clutch smoothly. I don't know if I'd want to hill climb on one, but logging roads and...
  6. Camptc

    For Sale Triumph Tall Windscreen w/quick mount brackets

    @Ripper, It's 23 inches from top of the screen to the top edge of the headlight cutout. The shield is also about 22 inches wide (edge to edge) at its widest point. PM if you want to discuss more.
  7. Camptc

    Frustration Setting In !

    Hey zman8537, If you're in Chicora, Gatto's down in Tarentum just took over a Triumph dealership license. I've always had good service from them, and they definitely have competent mechanics. If a tune isn't the issue and you need a good dealer, check them out. For what it's worth, I've used...
  8. Camptc

    Air Intake Question

    @Tripps, Do you run all open like that (without a bearclaw/modified claw)? And are those the K&N 4780's?
  9. Camptc

    Towing Options for R3T

    I'm starting to tour for longer distances these days, and my wife is finally on board to travel via motorcycle. However, she has a strong tendency to bring a lot of crap with her, which is filling my tourpacks and saddlebags to the gills. I've started looking into towing with the R3T. What...
  10. Camptc

    For Sale Brand new Mustang seat

    It's a two piece seat, so depending on how you do it, you could put a 'riser' bracket on the frame to mount the seat to. If the height difference isn't significant, then you'd probably cover up the geometric change within the joint flexibility between the rider and pillon. I think it's a...
  11. Camptc

    For Sale Brand new Mustang seat

    Mustang Motorcycle Seat Construction Actually, they list either 3/16" gloss coated marine fiberglass or a 16 gauge steel baseplate. The website doesn't list Triumph under either of those catagories... All of the metric bikes seem to have fiber, though, so I'd guess that's what it is.
  12. Camptc

    For Sale Brand new Mustang seat

    According to Mustang's website, they have metal pans. Probably an easy mod to make that happen.
  13. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    So much for testing the waters. Seat is Sold to Ridefree pending payment and receipt. Thanks!
  14. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    @Fingers, @Ridefree has right of first refusal. You are second in line.
  15. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    TRIUMPH ROCKET III LONGHAUL TOURING SEAT RIDERS BACKREST LONGHAUL TRIUMPH ROCKET III TOURING A9700222 FREE SHIPPINH Forgive me if Ebay listings are forbidden here, but these are some listings for NEW longhaul seat and backrest.
  16. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    I'm just going off of current prices on EBay for both the seat and backrest. Yeah it's a pain, but a good seat and definitely an awesome backrest. I'm just looking for a little different riding position and that's why I'm changing up.
  17. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    It is coming off of a 2010 R3T, yes. I'll post a pic tomorrow morning.
  18. Camptc

    For Sale SOLD Testing water for Touring Dual long haul with backrest

    I'm thinking of changing to a different seat and wanted to gauge interest on a touring longhaul seat with rider backrest. Retail setup is around $580 (current EBay listings for new) I'd sell for $350 plus shipping/pickup. Located in Mid TN.
  19. Camptc

    20k mile service

    I'm in mid TN, so the closest two dealers are Castle Powersports and Pandora's European Motorsports in Madison and Chattanooga, respectively. Has anyone had dealings with either of these places? There's also Freedom Powersports in Huntsville, AL... I got a quote from Castle for the 20k mile...