Back from the test ride. Riding position a hell of lot better. Opened the beast up today for the first time, 3rd and 4th. Should have no problem passing slow traffic. that dog will haul ass.
so far so good, half way there.risers and handlebar on,need to relocate brake line. What is best way to drain mastercylinder? Do I need new banjo washers? all advice greatly appreciated.
Just recieved rivco risers for roadster in the mail. Ive looked at instructions and looks like a good bit involved. Does anyon have any tips or advice. I dont want to make any mistakes. Thanks
Taking Speedmaster to my Dads till Christmas, Got an empty ring box at Jewlery dept at walmart, put keys in that for her to open. Hope shes not disappointed its not a diamond. Im possitive shell love the bike.