
Welcome aboard rmdjr01 from Fredericksburg, Va. Enjoy the new" Beast", with you, that probably makes a total of about six Rockets in Virginia now.
Another welcome from up the road in Fredericksburg.

Enjoy your new ride and stash away some funds for the local constabulary.

Also, make plans now to join us in Maggie Valley, NC next May for Rockets Across America. A great group to ride with.
Welcome from Sunny Queensland the best place down under. Be warned once you have the rocket addiction, there is no cure, but man it's bloody worth it mate.:D
Another welcome from up the road in Fredericksburg.

Enjoy your new ride and stash away some funds for the local constabulary.

Also, make plans now to join us in Maggie Valley, NC next May for Rockets Across America. A great group to ride with.

Not far at all from Richmond, need to hit the parkway in Charlottesville.