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  1. garygene351

    For Sale Fenders and Fly Screen - Phantom Black

    Hi....yes, everything is still available. I do not have the mounting hardware for the fly screen.
  2. garygene351

    For Sale Fenders and Fly Screen - Phantom Black

    Selling the following items off of my 2010 R3 Roadster. There are no dents in the fenders. Rear fender and frame - $150. plus shipping Front fender - $100. plus shipping Fly Screen - $75. plus shipping
  3. garygene351

    Want to Buy Rear Fender Strut covers

    Shipping via USPS is $13.00. Total for parts and shipping is $38.00. Just let me know if you want the chrome pair or the black painted chrome pair. My paypal account is I will need your address.
  4. garygene351

    Want to Buy Rear Fender Strut covers

    I see that you had already replied and said you would take the one I posted yesterday for $25 plus shipping. In going thru stuff, I found the black pair. Please note the shape difference and let me know if the chrome pair is still the one you want.
  5. garygene351

    Want to Buy Rear Fender Strut covers

    I have 2 pairs of strut covers that came off my 2010 R3 Roadster. The black pair is painted chrome. There's a slight difference in the shape which you can see in the photo with them side by side. Let me know if either of these are what you are looking for. .
  6. garygene351

    ** SOLD ** 2010 R3 Roadster solo seat plus accessories

    Selling seat, short sissy bar, luggage rack and chrome brackets off a 2010 R3 Roadster. Like new condition. Asking $75 plus shipping
  7. garygene351

    For Sale 2010 R3 Roadster Stock Exhaust

    Selling 'like new' stock exhaust off of my 2010 R3 Roadster. Asking $200 plus shipping.
  8. garygene351

    Want to Buy Rear Fender Strut covers

    I have this one for came off my 2010 R3 Roadster. $25 plus shipping.
  9. garygene351

    Want to Buy R3 Touring Solo Seat

    I have this one for sale for $150.00. It came off my 2010 R3 Roadster. It's like new.
  10. garygene351

    Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

    ripped off blown engine Xhdskip; over revved,over heated;to lean for to long .Burnt paint off new Jardiens, scuffed piston, v/c gsk.twisted one revolution,don't know how they even got it on,, but they had no business . being in there.They say they did not.... I must have blown it up!
  11. garygene351

    Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

    rippedoff blown engine TRIIC; Hate to think how much$,butt now I have custom bike that hauls butt.I once thought sure would be nice to have 6th. gear,now I cant imagine nor have any place to take 5th. to new max rpm. Things get quite intense at 5-7.3 R.P.M. So if your a motor head,in one word...
  12. IMG 1203

    IMG 1203

  13. IMG 1205

    IMG 1205

  14. IMG 1209

    IMG 1209

  15. IMG 12111

    IMG 12111

  16. garygene351

    Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

    ripped off? blown engine? UPDATE; Carpenter 240 pack to the rescue....... WOW had a rough start (Triumph ECU failed, Carpenter replaced for free !) cant say enough .
  17. garygene351

    Carpenter 240 pack

    Back in December had 240 pack installed,and had Triumph ECU issues with it finally leaving me with dead bike.My local dealer would not warranty it blaming Carpenter racing, and could not even buy one as they where back ordered,seams to have been a problem as after aprox. a month wait the new...
  18. garygene351

    looking for carpenter race capt'ns

    Carprender race Captn.s Willtill; Love your bars. can you tell me where you got them, can you use stock cables,how much did they cost? If it wasn't, for bad luck...... I am Green with envy!will get this dam thing sorted someday, and would love to also to maybe go for ride. Best of luck with...
  19. garygene351

    Carpenter 240 pack

    just had 240 pack installed, been back all thou was told was ready,has computer/ running problem, not sure what the problem is have not been rideable since! you should REALLY P.M. me, I live in mid NY if you are looking for someplace to stay,as Carp. Race is aprox 4hrs from here and only open...
  20. garygene351

    looking for carpenter race capt'ns

    Hey All, It's been awhile, hope all is well. Looking to find someone I met at Carpenter Racing on April 14th (Saturday). I was dropping off my bike and you were picking yours up. Sorry I forgot your name. I was wondering how you made out. Would also love to hear from other Carpenter...