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  1. BigNorm

    2013 R3 Touring

    It does have abs. I'd be happy to gut that
  2. BigNorm

    2013 R3 Touring

    Hey guys and gals. I know it's been. A while so don't hate me. I need to replace or rebuild my rebuild my rear mc. Any suggestions on what to get? I bleed the brakes. It works for part of the day then it's gone. As always your help is appreciated.
  3. BigNorm

    Disabled trike build no2

    Where did you get the transfer box?
  4. BigNorm

    My custom tank

    I love it. It reminds me of the bike the bad guy rode in the 2and Men in Black movie.
  5. BigNorm

    My custom tank

    Looking good
  6. BigNorm

    Cannonball Run - New Record (Less Traffic) 26:38

    Yes it does.
  7. BigNorm

    Rocket sidecar duty

    I love your project. Keep the updates coming. :thumbsup:
  8. BigNorm


    Been gone for awhile. When is it? Where is Dave's place?
  9. BigNorm

    Hoping for a better fit

    I have. I've yet to get them chromed though. They are very comfortable. I haven't ridden alot since my accident. All of the sudden I realize I am mortal. Tough lesson to learn.
  10. BigNorm

    Hoping for a better fit

    Thanks Nat. I got them direct from England. :thumbsup: Thanks again for the mirrors brother. :D
  11. BigNorm

    Hoping for a better fit

    I modified the stock seat and pan to push me further back and get a bit lower. The crossbar under the seat really limits how far back you can go. I got rid of the bar that goes across and bolts the seat down on the sides and the seat is held in place with the single bolt at the rear. I had some...
  12. BigNorm

    Hoping for a better fit

  13. BigNorm

    From Kuwait

    Nice bike. Post pics of your rides if you don't mind. One of many great things about this site is the people you meet from around the world. Welcome from Minden Nevada USA Captain.
  14. BigNorm

    RAA West 2020

    All good ideas. I like Utah for a ride. Colorado is a bit far. I hope I can attend this year.
  15. BigNorm

    What have you got hanging in your wardrobe

    I like new friends but I don't want to be hung in your closet.
  16. BigNorm

    Carpenterized Nov, 2019

    ONLY. :laugh:
  17. BigNorm

    Rocket sidecar duty

    I meant no offense. I thought hack was the slang for a sidecar rig. I test rode a Harley trike once and I felt it handed like a quad. It was a different experience for sure. I didn't feel like it had the maneuverability of a regular bike which gives me pause. I love the look of the duel shock...
  18. BigNorm

    Rocket sidecar duty

    I meant to say hack
  19. BigNorm

    Rocket sidecar duty

    What does it feel like to ride a havk?