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  • Users: dog
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  1. dog

    Eastern Beaver Kit Arrived

    Hey Mike. Make sure you disconnect the battery. Remember your adjusting the clock episode a few years back,when you blew your gaskit:).
  2. dog

    Easy Bracket stand off?

    About one inch. They mount outside of shocks.
  3. dog

    Guess what this is

    R3 Motor.
  4. dog

    Finally a LegUp!

    Was going to send the link to my Harley riding buddy, just to take the piss but then I saw the link above. ****
  5. dog


    95 and 97 octane in the UK.
  6. dog

    TORS with non TOR tune

    On both my Rockets I removed the cat and kept the standard pipes and had the tune for this downloaded. I then added the tors and had a further tune downloaded for this setup. Popping on the over run is normal but this can be stopped with a tuneboy. Some people like the popping on the overun some...
  7. dog

    TORS with non TOR tune

    Check for black carbon buildup in tail pipes, Would think this tune will be too rich a mixture for cat by-pass with standard pipes. Get the shop to load the correct tune. If they loaded the wrong tune they should load the correct tune and not charge you for correct one.
  8. dog

    TORS with non TOR tune

    One tune for cat delete with stock pipes and a different tune for cat delete with tors.
  9. dog

    TORS with non TOR tune

    Two seperate tunes for cat by-pass with standard pipes. Another one for cat by-pass with tors.
  10. dog

    Triumph accessories in the UK

    I wrote out the part numbers and price for the parts, they still tried to charge me the full price and even had the cheek to try to add vat on the total, when Triumph prices include vat. I am very pissed that Triumph dealers got all the tins for 95% off and are selling them on e-bay for a huge...
  11. dog

    Flat or convex glass mirrors, which is better?

    I always have non magnified flat glass as this gives a real view and measure of the distance of things. Depending on the mirror size, you may want to get the small round convex stick on ones to put on your mirrors, on the inside part of the mirrors, the part that gives a view of your shoulders...
  12. dog

    Brake fade!!!

    Seems you have vapour lock. Change brake fluid.
  13. dog

    What should I expect from a 1" lower R3?

    Expect a slower turning response, though the pics don't look like the front has been lowered. You can lower the yokes down the forks a bit say 10 mm but make sure that both sides are the exact same amount. Although it is only lowered by 10 mm it will make for sharper steering response. As it is...
  14. dog

    Freeway engine cutout

    Sounds like faulty ignition switch or loose connection on ignition switch or first connector block. Your bikes only three months old have the dealer put it right.
  15. dog

    SPARK PLUG Catastrophe

    Thank Fcuk for that. FANTASTIC! 8)
  16. dog

    Rivco Risers in the UK

    Dont forget the tax you will get clobbered for to. Tax on the item value and even tax on the postage, that is crap, taxing the postage.
  17. dog

    forward controls - winter project

    Job well done, neat work 8)
  18. dog

    Fuel Gauge Removal

    Yep, plug and play.
  19. dog

    Rivco driveshaft cover

    Yea fitted easy enough, the springs you may find a bit of a pain As tend to fly of till hooked at both ends. Five min job.
  20. dog

    Rivco driveshaft cover

    It fits right next to the forward right hand side of the cover , the part that steps up a few mill. Hard to see it when fitted. Fitted mine though.