RedRocket said:Now I'm confused. I received a tune when I removed my cat and installed a de-cat w/ stock pipes. When I installed my TORS, the dealer said I was all set. I didn't know there were two seperate tunes. I do get alot of popping during decel. Nitebell has been trying to get me to buy a $100 access (or whatever you call it) so I can use his Tuneboy on my bike. If I do this, which Tuneboy tune works best for de-cat, TORS and drop-in K&N? Sorry don't mean to steal your thread but now I'm all :?
On both my Rockets I removed the cat and kept the standard pipes and had the tune for this downloaded. I then added the tors and had a further tune downloaded for this setup. Popping on the over run is normal but this can be stopped with a tuneboy. Some people like the popping on the overun some don't.