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  1. D&D slips on exhaust

    My other pride and joy - the princess Here's my princess who sits on the back. She who must be obeyed. She's showing off her headlights ha ha ha ha....I like them and they were a no cost option.
  2. D&D slips on exhaust

    Yeah but then the princess who sits on the back will say I'm only using plugs cause I don't want to listen to her. Ummm...errr....ahhh...yeah, that too. Anyway, I picked it up from Procycles yesterday afternoon. I must admit that it did sound better. It wasn't as brash, especially at take off...
  3. D&D slips on exhaust

    My Rocket oops...don't know what happened but here's my pride and joy
  4. D&D slips on exhaust

    ...but not my ****ing hearing!!!! Maybe I'll go deaf and it will cease to be a problem. Hmmmm...everything problem has a solution if you look long enough. Here's a photo of my bike before I fitted the new pipes. It still looks much the same.
  5. D&D slips on exhaust

    They finally arrived in the post from the USA. The finish was excellent and the bits and pieces were there, EXCEPT for the gaskets. It's odd that they don't throw those in the box. After all, how much extra would they cost?. Anyway, I spent two hours fitting them and lost a bit of bark off a few...
  6. Lifting a Rocket Touring

    This is a pure genius. Well done who ever come up with using the two jacks like that!
  7. D&D slips on exhaust

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I've taken the plunge and bought the D&D pipes from an online store in the US. All up with shipping, they cost me $US 590. I hope they get here before Santa does. I take on board what blastedbones said and I think I'll get them dyno tuned after I fit them. I've...
  8. D&D slips on exhaust

    Howdy all. Had my Rocket for 2 years and want to change the exhaust. I'm thinking of D&D slip on pipes. There's not much on here about them, most people seem to fit the jardines. How much louder are the D&Ds compared to the stock exhaust? Are they easy to fit? Or would would it be a...
  9. $2000,00 for Beetle Bags? WTF?

    Do you guys want an even bigger scare? I went to my local Triumph dealer and asked if I could fit a pair of the hard bags from the touring rocket to my standard rocket. Indeed I could, but would I be willing to pay?? How much, I asked. He said "$3260". Then he added "each". Yep, over $6400 for...
  10. Best emergency puncture repair kit?

    Thanks Captain Rich. I checked out the site and I'm going to buy one. The price is right so is it's size. It's perfect for what I want. Regards
  11. Best emergency puncture repair kit?

    Recently got a flat rear tyre while I was miles away from civilization. What a pain the in the arse it was. It got me thinking I should buy a repair kit - but which one? That brings me to the point of this post: Can anyone recommend a puncture repair kit to carry around? What experience have...
  12. How far will rear tires go?

    I've made my mind up and I'm going to the dark side...The only thing that troubles me is the uncertainty about whether or not a road tyre on my bike would make it unlawful or unroadworthy in the eyes of our State regulators. So I've sent a letter to the New South Wales Minister for Roads asking...
  13. How far will rear tires go?

    I know what you mean. The $475 plus fitting was from Procycles at St Peters in Sydney - just up the road from my place. Where abouts in OZ do you live? If it's in Sydney (where you got it fitted for $420) can you please let me know? Thanks
  14. How far will rear tires go?

    Hey loft bob, how much do you want for your tyre and how much to get it to me in Sydney?
  15. How far will rear tires go?

    Yes idk, you are right and I f**ked up. Sorry. I've fixed up my mistake. Bob
  16. How far will rear tires go?

    I f**ked up.
  17. How far will rear tires go?

    Thanks for all the info. Seems that ordinary folk don't get to much milage of the things at all. That's a little scary 'cause down here in Sydney Australa, the replacement metz costs $475 plus fitting. Me finks I might invest in a car tyre but I'll have to check with our Roads and Traffic...
  18. How far will rear tires go?

    Howdy all Had my Rocket about 4 months now (bought it new) and clocked up over 5800km (about 3100miles). The bike is better than se... no, hang on a minute it's good but not that good. The rear stock tyre seems to be holding up well despite the dealer telling me I'd have to fit a new one at...