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  1. xhdskip

    Southern ride this Spring?

    I'm thinkin I need some air therapy sooner rather than later.
  2. xhdskip

    New 2.5L owner, things I hate about the motorcycle.

    If there are certain things you don't like about it, then change it, i did. Like for instance I didn't like the bear claw, I cut it and put K&N's on where they'd show. I also didn't like the rear fender, so I cut that too. Didn't like the to short sissy bar, so I had a longer one made. To every...
  3. xhdskip

    Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

    Jump it off a truck and it'll crank.
  4. xhdskip

    Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

    Mine is always cold, ESPECIALLY if I don't ride for awhile. Usually have to get a new good hot battery and still jump that if it sits to long, as it has recently, lol.
  5. xhdskip

    Them Storms are hot, I'm thinkin' I NEED one.

    Now that's nice to know, Thanks
  6. xhdskip

    Them Storms are hot, I'm thinkin' I NEED one.

    Appreciate the info
  7. xhdskip

    Them Storms are hot, I'm thinkin' I NEED one.

    Been debating on getting a new R3, Not that I'd ever let loose of the Triclops, but dang them new Storm GT's are lookin good. Anybody got one yet? Wonder how they compare to the 140 Lb of Torque we have now? 180 is better than 140, 2500 is better than 2300, extra gear too.... I'm thinkin one...
  8. xhdskip

    Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

    Beauty may have perfect eyesight, and I can testify she's a good cook, but her taste is severely lacking lol. You swinging by this weekend brother?
  9. xhdskip

    Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

    no where close to the longest (maybe the oldest tho) anyway got the triclops in '07 when my mom was in the hospital, then tracked down a sweet little '05 for the ex to ride, she was use to a hardley furgeson and I was tired of riding in third gear so she could keep up. So I got her a slow red...
  10. xhdskip

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    Dang, I wish the wife and me could have made it, haven't had time to do much, as we're in the middle of getting a new roof from the tornado that took out about a third of our small town. My apologies to you Kevin for not showing up to bring you the red '05. It's still sitting where it's been...
  11. xhdskip

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    That's awful close for Lonzol, he could make it there from Van Buren in a minute or two. Not much of a ride for him. Hey guys, I just went to the first page an looked. Didn't see Lonzols name on the list, is he okay? I was gone for a long time and things happen. Anybody got an update on Lonny?
  12. xhdskip

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    I just happen to have two I'm thinkin' of bringin'
  13. xhdskip

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    What's the total head count so far and where is everybody staying?
  14. xhdskip

    For Sale Anybody want a dang near virgin 2005 Rocket 3 motor

    Yes sir, not a scratch on it.
  15. xhdskip

    For Sale 2007 rocket 3 classic tourer

    Nice looking bike for sure. Somebody'll jump on it.
  16. xhdskip

    New '05 RIII owner in Ventura, Calif

    Howdy from Oklahoma
  17. xhdskip

    New to r3owners but I ride Triumph :)

    Howdy from Oklahoma U.S.A.
  18. xhdskip


    Heck, I'd just like to see a picture. I've been gone awhile and haven't seen it.