Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

Guys, need the gurus on this one, went to try to start it, it just clicks, new battery shows full, hooked up the battery tender in case it was not fully charged from the factory, been charging for a few hours and battery tender shows green.
It acts like battery is low, when i hit the button it just clicks and lights dim down to almost nothing stay like that after i release the button, it also loses voltage to the sweepers, one may sweep and the other one does not, also light on the speedo gets very dim and sometimes after the click all electric dies, Everything indicates low battery but old battery had charge and new battery does too. Any ideas? Never had an issue that i couldnt figure out with my Rockets, this one has me puzzled, had not spent lots of time on it but looking for ideas. Thanks in advance!
Try a real battery charger a battery tender only puts out 2-3 amps not enough to charge fully a cold battery. Put it on a 10 amp trickle charger and in a bit I bet it spins right up.
Well, not quite there yet, looks like is the solenoid, after trying 3 different batteries with same results, came to the conclusion that i need to get my hands dirty.